When Babita Spinelli, LP JD was an attorney and Wall Street executive, she realized that every connection and interaction made a difference in her career path.
Eventually she turned that realization into her relationship practice. As a relationship expert she specializes in all relationships whether between romantic partners, manager and employee, parent and child, workplace dynamics or the relationship to ourselves.
“Part of my role with executive therapy or mental health consulting is providing business leaders the space and tools to explore difficult and sometimes anxiety-driven topics. In business there is not only pressure to succeed, but perfectionism takes over or burnout occurs.”
Her sessions with executives aim to lessen anxiety, deepen their understanding of themselves, address unhealthy patterns and guide in work-life balance. Spinelli recognizes that high-achieving professionals may struggle to find peace and balance in the workplace but says this is an important goal to achieve in order to nourish and strengthen their personal and professional relationships.
“When we’re successful in relationships we’re successful in life,” she said.
She attributes her own career success to the relationships she built at multiple levels in the corporate world.
“It’s so important to build these connections across business lines, whether with stakeholders or directly with clients,” she said. “It’s a critical component of what helped my career success and can help others develop and maintain successful relationships.”
Spinelli taps into her own relationship experience to understand and empathize with others. As part of the journey toward becoming a psychotherapist, she had to recognize the challenges in her own relationships.
“It required properly facing it, processing it and taking action until I was in a place where I could move forward,” Spinelli said. “I had to look back in order to move forward.”
She encourages her clients to make long-lasting changes instead of a Band-Aid approach, and to take each day one step at a time. It’s through taking time to process, recover and let go that she says leads to move forward.
“The resilience, empowerment and understanding that I developed as a result of personal experiences combined with my clinical training as a psychoanalyst and research into relationship dynamics has made me a more impactful relationship coach and psychotherapist,” Spinelli said. She uses these building blocks as the foundation to guide in her transformational work with her clients.
Spinelli’s clients spread across the globe. She offers online sessions and coaching programs which are featured in BabitaSpinelliGroup.com. “Technology has allowed my business and practice to reach more people and do the kind of transformational work I am passionate about for my clients internationally,” Spinelli said. “It also allows my executive clients who are extremely busy to make room for their own personal coaching and support through virtual sessions.” Babita Spinelli has been featured in more than thirty-five media outlets and has written and presented at organizations on mental health topics in the workplace and relationships.
You can follow Babita Spinelli Therapy on Instagram here.
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