On Tuesday, Samsung launched its newest phone, the Galaxy Note 7, at a packed Manhattan venue. They skipped out on what would have been a Note 6, and instead, jumped from Note 5 to Note 7. Yet, the message seems quite clear–the latest Note is build on the same foundation as Samsung’s well-received S7 and S7 edge smartphones. Both of those models have helped to turnaround a slow handset business.
The Note 7 will be available on August 19. The price isn’t for the average consumer, starting at $850 with T-Mobile. It is higher with AT&T at $879 and Verizon at $864. Although, AT&T, Verizon and several other carriers will offer payment plans between $27.80 and $36 per month between 20 and 24 months. Pre-orders start today. When Samsung launched the first note in 2011, it pioneered the “phablet” industry. The Note 7 has a 5.7-inch display. In addition, Notes appear to be Samsung’s most successful line. Some other features include:
- Curved screens
- Ability to unlock the phone with your eyes
- More accurate S Pen stylus
- Water resistance
- Gorilla Glass 5 screens
- USB-C charger port
- MicroSD card slot
You can buy the Note 7 at:
- T-Mobile
- AT&T
- Sprint
- Verizon
- U.S. Cellular
Samsung has not announced any plans to sell a U.S. unlocked model.
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