Vivid Vision’s Discusses Her Success as a Model and in Self Love

Vivid Vision says that she has always loved fashion and beauty. With the unique ability to recreate her favorite characters, she is passionate about cosplay. It all started when she first immigrated to Canada from Hong Kong and found out there was a holiday called Halloween.

That’s when she decided to join in the fun and dress up as her favorite anime and video game characters. “Since it took so much effort to actually put these outfits together, I started to take photos of myself in costume,” Vivid Vision explains. “As I grew up and acquired more disposable income, I started to model more and more as these outfits can get expensive.” Vivid Vision now travels internationally to do photoshoots and collaborations.

She explains that she started out having this limiting belief about models being superficial. “I always thought they were full of themselves, vain, and self-absorbed,” Vivid Vision shares. “I thought if I became a model I would automatically be changed into that kind of person.” She claims that she was so worried about how others would view her that she used to second guess all her photos. “I was too shy to share my photos with the world,” she says. “I was too self-conscious, not at all proud of the way I looked.”

Vivid Vision says that she still sometimes fears that people will recognize her in public and say something negative. “I’m worried that they recognize who I am,” she says. “And then they might say, Wow, she’s not as pretty in real life as she is in her photos, must be photoshopped.”
She says she is now practicing self-love by not wearing makeup on a regular basis.

“I’m very self-conscious of my acne and acne scars because I get hormonal acne monthly,” Vivid Vision shares. “I also have really dark eye bags that I usually cover up with makeup.” She continues, “I’ve been trying to wear minimal makeup in my recent photoshoots because I want to trust in my natural beauty.” She emphasizes, “I want to believe I am beautiful even beneath all the makeup.”

Vivid Vision says she focuses more on bringing out her natural beauty now, instead of relying so heavily on makeup. “I find that the importance of skincare really helps with bringing out natural beauty,” she shares. “Moisture is very important in my routine.” “Especially when it’s super dry during Canadian winters,” she emphasizes. “I also turn on the humidifier every night, from fall until spring, to keep my skin hydrated.”

She also follows a regular skincare routine that includes a morning cleanser, toner, lotion, and sunscreen. At night, she uses a cleanser, exfoliator, toner, facemask, and lotion. Vivid Vision avoids the sun as much as possible. She says, “I actually carry a parasol with me when I’m outdoors for even 15 minutes!”

She also visits med spas once every six weeks. She’s recently tried micro-needling to help with acne scars, pores, and uneven skin tone. This has helped boost her confidence and she now feels secure enough to be out in public without make-up. “I feel a lot more confident and trust in my natural beauty more,” Vivid Vision shares. “I try to not wear makeup as much as possible now, so I can build my self-esteem and confidence as a model.”

For more information, visit Vivid Vision’s Socials:
Instagram: @vivid_vision
Twitter: @vividvision22
Youtube Vivid Vision:
Youtube Noms: Youtube Shorts:

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