In the massive competition for attention, quality content has been revered now more than ever. With the rise and fall of click-baits, readers are now more informed about the traps of headlines and the publications who use them just to lure “clicks” in. So, the battle for readers’ attention is not just about headlines; of course, headlines are still important, but the audience is now demanding for something more. Quality.
From helming an independent publication, THE REVOLUZIONNE, writing books and creating content for clients, my days are filled with me facing my computer and simply writing. I write an average of 10,000 words a day. There are days when it’s lower than that and others where I’m really zoned in. Still, I would like to impart my two cents to you to help you create quality content while competing for quantity.
10,000 words in a day did not come in a swoop. I spend years writing and studying journalism. I came from a measly 500-word essay a day to 2,000 to 3,000, and so on. You have to understand that this is not a quick fix. Practice these habits so you can master 10,000 words.
Master the Fundamentals
There are fundamentals in every industry. In mathematics, there are ways of understanding arithmetic. In sciences, there are laws of physics that you cannot defy. It’s the same with writing. You have to understand the basics so you can eventually form your own writing style.
Read the dictionary to expand your vocabulary. As you discover more words, you learn to tell stories in a different light. Associated Press news writing style is also advisable for whatever form of writing. In our marketing agency, PleXuss Creatives, AP is integrated into all writing formats. There are different writing styles, but what you can learn in AP is the structure of storytelling.
It does not matter whether you are writing a novel, a blog post or a social media post. The fundamentals are the same.
Dedicate Two Hours Everyday to Reading
This may not be what you would expect since we all know that writing would require you to write and not read. However, reading expands your mind muscles. It does not matter what type of reading you do as long as you read every day. Even Warren Buffet dedicates hours a day just to read.
It is good to read news and articles, but I would also advise that you read an actual book when doing this practice. When you are reading online, there is a big chance you get distracted and do not finish the article you started with. However, with actual books, you don’t have Facebook pings or email alerts to bug you off your reading time. Most often, if you really get enticed by the story, you’d even find yourself reading for hours.
I know we’re all busy, but I honestly believe that if you want to, you can find a way. To create time for this new practice, you can wake up a little bit earlier or chop time off your Netflix binging.
Reading is essential to being a good writer because it adds to your background knowledge. For example, before reading Socrates, you are less informed about philosophy. But, after gaining wisdom on this philosopher, you now have multiple references to use if you’re going to talk or write about the government and the politics at play.
It also helps to have a different perspective on your stories, and this makes your arguments stronger.
Another Two Hours for Exploration
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to be a literary nomad to find inspiration. You don’t need to go to a different country just to let your evocative inspiration flow. I believe Arnold Arre says it best:
“Inspiration is everywhere… Get out. Talk to people, friends, family, loved ones. Draw inspiration from everyday life. It has inexhaustible references and is always original.”
Life is happening around us all the time. Whether it is the bartender at 5th Street or the guy who sells T-shirts on the street. There are millions of stories to tell every day and all you have to do is watch and learn.
Most of the time, you don’t even need to get an interview with another person. You just need to see life from their perspective. Most of the time, you don’t even need to get an interview with another person. Explore the world around you because every little thing matters. In one way or another, as cliché as it may sound, the bustling trees or the skies during sunset can really give you an added perspective.
Remember, writing is about sharing what you have in your mind and opinions. So to be able to write about anything, you have got to live your own life as well and learn from others.
Progress each day makes the difference.
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