“You only lose when you give up. Remember this. You only lose when you give up, remember this over and over again.
If you do not give up, you will win from the most incredible positions. The fight is in the mind, it’s not physical, it’s in the mind. As long as the mind refuses to accept defeat, each setback will give you an opportunity to analyze yourself. Where did I go wrong?
It’s an opportunity, remember crisis is an opportunity to evaluate yourself, where did I go wrong?
Correct that pick yourself up, you again move on and you will find that you will become stronger. Each time you pick yourself up, you come back stronger. This is what the human being is.
The almighty God made us humans, Ashraful Makhloqat (the noblest of all creatures i.e mankind) we are his greatest creation.
As Ilama Iqbal said (Pakistans famous Poet) to become the Shaheen you have to break the chains that are holding you back.
The moment you say it’s impossible, it’s impossible. Whatever you can dream, remember this, whatever you can dream you can achieve.
If you can visualize something, you can achieve it”
Quoted by The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan.
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