There’s a lot of talk amongst entrepreneurs about getting to their first six figures in business – and that’s no small feat. Hitting your first $100,000 in revenue is definitely a milestone. But how can you scale your personal brand to seven figures?
It’s a milestone that far fewer are able to reach, so there’s far less information about how to hit this point in your business. But success leaves clues – and there are a few ties that bind these prestigious personal brands together.
They Create Signature, Serialized Content
7-figure entrepreneurs create repeatable, repurposable content that lasts for years. Unlike many six-figure entrepreneurs who rely on social media to find clients or sell courses, 7-figure brands focus the majority of their content creation on SEO-rich content types that can be found for years.
Whereas a social media post is lucky to gain reach for more than 72 hours without ad spend behind it, having a blog or podcast is a permanent, lasting entity that can be leveraged and bring in leads for years.
The other advantage of this type of content is that the business owners have full control over it. Social media algorithms change daily, and are temperamental at best, whereas creating a consistent content schedule that your audience can rely on allows for consistent reach and lead acquisition.
They Leverage Publicity to Grow Their Brand Awareness
One of the primary shifts that entrepreneurs make in their quest to hit seven figures is leveraging media outlets that are in alignment with their brand.
You’d be hard-pressed to find a personal brand that doesn’t display logos of where they’ve been featured front and centre on their website, in their funnels, and even in their Facebook ads.
While paid traffic can be effective to grow lists and get clients or customers, a feature on the right podcast or in the right publication can prove to be far more lucrative for a brand.
The power of publicity for an entrepreneur is endless: It grows brand awareness, amps up an entrepreneur’s visibility, and provides a level of social proof that no testimonial could ever provide. Being featured in the media is a level of visibility and brand authority that has no comparison.
They Develop a Signature Method and/or Trademark–Worthy Brand Properties
Whereas the first six figures in business can feel a lot like flinging spaghetti at the wall, getting to seven figures is about refinement. Hitting seven figures is about streamlining and doing less, but doing it better.
Developing a signature method or brand-specific properties (like courses, an apparel line, etc.) that can be optimized and scaled is essential.
Consumers have to know what you offer, and they have to see a pattern of results. They have to see a small bit of themselves in past successes. Whether it’s a signature course, like Marie Forleo’s B-School, or an exclusive service, like Lewis Howes’ Greatness Mastermind, having something that people know you for is a key hallmark to getting to seven figures with your personal brand.
While there are no hard and fast “rules” to personal branding – it’s more like being in a kitchen with an Italian grandma (you have to eyeball everything instead of precise measurements) – seven-figure growth does leave its clues behind. Incorporate each of these steps into your 7-figure plan, and you’ll be well on your way to achieving your goals.
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