One of the unfortunate side effects of the COVID-19 pandemic is that it has become the ultimate litmus test for couples around the world. While some relationships thrived due to the extra quality time spent together in quarantine, others may have grown apart due to discovering several incompatibilities that went unnoticed before or angrily turned on each other due to being overwhelmed with stress.
Many people experienced financial, physical, mental, or emotional hardships during the pandemic, which can wreak havoc on even the healthiest relationships. Luckily, it’s never too late to reignite your romantic spark and revive your relationship. Here are five books that are guaranteed to give you some ideas on how to get your love life back on track.
Book 1: Soul Modes: You are not one ordinary woman. You’re four extraordinary ones by Carlie Maree
If you are a woman who feels like you have lost touch with your femininity and inner goddess during the pandemic, this book may be for you. Known as the Master of Motivational Intelligence, Carlie Maree developed the Soul Modes concept to help women embrace their divine femininity.
She thoughtfully explains in her book why tapping into our masculine energy to get things done with brute force is a mistake for many women and instead encourages them to operate from a state of being. Maree’s website also offers educational articles and online courses that dive further into the topic of Soul Modes.
Techniques outlined in her book walk you through step-by-step on how to practice self-care, self-love, and self-awareness to ultimately achieve self-acceptance. By the time you’re done reading, you’ll gain important insight on not only what you want in life but also what steps you can take right now to create the life you truly desire. Maree’s book is also a great resource for men or anyone who wants to better understand the rich inner lives of the women who surround them every day.
Book 2. The Universe Speaks, Are You Listening?: 111 High-Vibrational Oracle Messages on Love, Healing, and Existence to Unlock Your Inner Light by Cassady Cayne
If you or your partner have felt anxious or stressed out lately due to the ongoing pandemic, this second book will be a real treat. Written by the intuitive coach Cassady Cayne, her book is filled with affirmations and wise anecdotes that can be a great source of positivity during this time.
Cayne, who is a self-described lightworker, is passionate about encouraging couples to focus on creating loving, healing energy instead of ruminating on negative things such as their partner’s perceived flaws or shortcomings. Her book acts as a trusty companion that will consistently remind you how important it is to lower stress and release any fears and worries you may have about your relationship and replace them with positive thoughts and emotions instead.
Book 3. The Real Self Love Handbook: A Proven 5-Step Process to Liberate Your Authentic Self, Build Resilience and Live an Epic Life by Dr. Angela Pennington
There’s an old saying that ‘you can’t truly love someone until you love yourself’. That’s why Dr. Andrea Pennington, an accomplished integrative physician, acupuncturist, and meditation teacher, advises people to always prioritize self-awareness and self-love.
She created the Real Self Love Handbook after more than a decade of conducting in-depth research and analyzing her patients’ health outcomes. The book covers a wide range of interesting concepts, including positive psychology, neuroscience, mindfulness meditation, and life planning among others.
In a world where people are tempted to run away from their life and relationship troubles, Dr. Pennington’s five-step process will empower you to face your inner emotions and mental health issues so you can become more self-aware, discover your authentic self, and love every part of yourself so you can be a better, healthier partner in the future.
Book 4. The Power of OUCH!: An illustrated guide to healing from hurt and creating a life of love and connection by Sondra Harmon
Relationships can be messy, especially since we are imperfect human beings who are bound to eventually hurt each other (either intentionally or unintentionally). Couples in long-term relationships may have years or decades of pent-up anger or frustration from experiences that happened long ago.
Sondra Harmon who is a respected teacher and mentor, calls those hurtful moments “hot potatoes” because you may be tempted to wince and say “ouch” when it happens. In her book, she explains why those same painful moments can actually benefit couples and provide an incentive to reassess your relationship and reconnect with each other.
Harmon’s playful illustrations and other engaging visual content demonstrate how you can reframe past hurtful experiences, heal from them, and successfully move on so that you’ll be better equipped to connect with others.
Book 5. Date Smart: Transform Your Relationships and Love Fearlessly by Dr. Carla Marie Manly
Another great book to add to your library is Date Smart by Dr. Carla Marie Manly. The clinical psychologist and wellness expert, Dr. Carla Marie Manly, helps couples become more self-aware and compassionate so they can create a healthy, safe environment where both of them can love fearlessly.
Besides sharing examples of what a healthy relationship looks like, Dr. Manly also provides tips on the best way to identify red flags and politely, yet confidently assert your boundaries and communicate your needs to a partner. You’ll also discover 12 key conversations you should have with a potential or current mate to make sure you’re compatible and more likely to have a healthy, long-lasting relationship. With Dr. Manly’s wise advice, soon you’ll have all the information and tools you need to date smarter and transform your relationship.
Relationships are never easy, especially when you have experienced a worldwide health crisis while being cooped up in a confined space with the same people for over a year. Hopefully, these books can help revive the dwindling spark or passion in your relationship due to the circumstances and more importantly – improve your relationship with yourself.
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