People are constantly asking me about social media. They ask me how to build a following. They ask me how to post effectively and how often to post. The answer is each social media platform is different. There’s no one answer, but I’m here to help. Let’s break down each social media differently. This post will deal directly with Facebook.
I could write articles for days on this subject. It’s a great way to keep in touch with family and friends. It’s also a great way to make new friends who you’ve heard a lot about.
Facebook is for friends and family primarily. The best way to grow your following is to meet people. Don’t be afraid to add people you’ve only met once or twice if they’ve made a lasting impression. It’s a great way to stay in touch. Make sure to like and comment on other people’s posts, even if you don’t know them that well. It creates a stronger bond, and they’re more likely to engage on your own posts.
Facebook uses algorithms to show the most relevant content. What makes content more likely to be shown are five important factors:
1. What kind of content. It goes in the following order:
• Facebook Live Video
• Post with Video and Text
• Post with Picture and Text
• Post with Link to Website and Text
• Post with Text Only
2. If multiple people like your post very quickly, Facebook tags it as important, and it will pop up to the top of other people’s feed. So a great way to make sure your post is seen is to ask close friends to like your status immediately.
3. People shouldn’t post ads as people trying to sell something get less interaction in general. It’s better to post cool, exciting things like announcements or exciting news instead of selling a specific product or service.
4. Make sure to post pictures with faces as consumers respond to people more than views, or objects. Consumers create bonds better with other people than with inanimate objects.
5. Include an emotion when you’re writing the text to go along with a post. An example of that would be , “I’m so excited to announce that I’m partner with my friend in developing a new blog.” The more emotion the better. Happiness, sadness, fear, exciting, it doesn’t matter what emotion as long as it’s genuine. Writing to people’s emotion is what takes good writing and makes it great.
All of these tips will help you gain more attention on Facebook. I’ve used these techniques often, and when I go out to a public place I almost always get recognized and drawn into new conversations with new and old friends.
You want to post often, but not too often—once or twice a day with relevant content. Don’t share too many of other’s posts because that takes the attention away from your posts. Projecting success is always a good thing. A lot of people use Facebook like a diary to garner attention.
For example, if you say, “I had the worst day today,” you’re inviting people to join in your misery, not your positive attitude. They will try to help you, but you will receive pity instead of respect.
In the end, make sure to stay social and use social media to help you build personal and business relationships to make your life better. Relationships are built in person and solidified online, so make sure to interact with people outside of social media and build your network.
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