With the heat of the summer upon us, it’s not always fun in the sun. While it’s great to spend time outside, the heat can also be a stressor and detract from your favorite summer activities. If you feel as though you need more alternatives to enjoy during the sweltering heat, check out some of the activities below to cool down.
One of the most underrated ways to relax, nearly 90 percent of Americans report that they don’t like to cook for themselves. A contributing factor is our on the go mentality, but another factor is that a lot of people never learned the skill. Meals like garlic shrimp scampi and pub-style bacon cheeseburgers can be easy to put together, and learning to hone your skills in the kitchen can be a relaxing experience. You can even try out some new recipes such as CBD gummies.
Try to plan a specific day to sit down for a meal. Keep an eye out for recipes and listen to some podcasts or music while you prepare your meal. Half the fun of cooking is the experience of popping open a bottle of wine, savoring the smells, and waiting for the first bite.
Go for a Swim
Another great activity to cool off, going for a swim can be a great daily activity. Swimming is the 4th most popular form of exercise in the United States. Whether it’s in the pool, river, ocean, or lake, getting in the water can be an excellent way to blow off some steam. Take the time to learn different strokes if you don’t know them already. Water-resistance exercises can be a great way to develop endurance and strength, and regular exercise improves cardiovascular health and circulation. Although it can take a little getting used to, hitting the water can be the perfect antidote for the summer sun.
Take a Morning Hike
Getting outside before sunrise for a hike can be an exceptional way to start a summer day. Not only is this a way to go out and explore while it’s still nice and before it gets too hot, but it’s also known to improve mental health. According to Time, even spending just 20 minutes outside can dramatically improve your overall well-being. Check out the trails in your area and make it a habit to venture out once or twice a week. Hiking can be an amazing way to decompress before the heat ramps up.
Hit the Movies
A summer classic, going to the movies can be a great option for relaxation. Summer blockbuster season is the best part of the cinematic year, with new movies regularly hitting local theatres. What better way to beat the heat than a cool, dark movie theatre? Slurp an Icee, grab a popcorn, and settle in for a movie marathon. Keep your eye out for options coming to the big screen soon, especially since a lot of theaters have discounted movie nights during the week in summer.
Check Out an Escape Room
What was all the rage a couple of summers ago has become a mainstay in the summer entertainment industry. Great for the family, couples, or even your business outing (19 percent of participants are corporate clients), an escape room can be an incredibly fun activity. See if there’s any availability for these puzzle-solving paradises near you and discover why this phenomenon is happening.
See a Concert
If you’ve had the bug to see a show, the summer is the perfect time to check out what’s available in your area. According to Billboard, at least 52 percent of Americans attend a concert at least once a year, and with how many tours come through during the summer season, many of those annual pilgrimages are happening now. Although we sometimes think of concerts as an ordeal, there are plenty of smaller venues and relaxed bar shows to attend. Every concert doesn’t have to be Coachella. Venture out to see a show and give the scene some support.
Try a Brewery
An excellent option for a cold, frosty beverage, going to hit up a brewery can be the perfect way to spend a summer afternoon (assuming you’re of age!). Craft beer captures 13.2 percent of the US beer market by volume and has been increasing its market share steadily. This means more breweries and micro-breweries are popping up across the country. There, you’ll be able to try different beers, and breweries are known for hosting community events and weekly themed nights.
What are some activities you love to take on in the summer? Comment with your insights below!
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