First, to clear the air, I’m a big believer that the only person we should be competing against is ourselves. In saying that however, I’m not going to delude you and tell you that competition in business doesn’t exist. It certainly does. It’s important to study the competition to find out what’s working, what people are saying and ways in which you can improve. I want to emphasise again how important it is not to compare yourself to others, but simply to learn what you can do to become the best.
When it comes to getting paying clients or customers, your brand’s positioning matters more than anything. People want to work with a trusted, well-respected, knowledgeable expert in their field, who can deliver real results. With competition at an all time high and trust at an all time low, how do you ensure that you’re the person people want to work with in your industry? Well, here’s my 8 simple ways to out-position your competition.
Professional photography
Personally, I can tell within an instant whether or not someone invests into their personal brand. Creating an aesthetic visual for potential clients builds trust, as they can see you’re someone who values their image. Invest the couple of hundred bucks in some professional photography to create a great brand image and first impression.
Press & articles in Google
“Hey, have you heard of Jeff Bezos?”. “Na I haven’t, let me google him real quick… WOW!”. Even though social media has heavily evolved, good old google is still the go-to place for people to do research. Many business owners underestimate this, thinking that because they have a great offer or product, that they ‘don’t need it’.
Imagine for a second that a potential client was approached by you and one of your competitors. They google both of you, with dozens of good press articles for your competition, and none for you. Naturally, who do you think they’re going to choose? Social proof is one of the most powerful psychological biases known to mankind, which all the top companies and brands leverage to position their brand more favourably than their competitions.
Why has the podcasting world boomed so heavily over the past decade? The free value. Podcasts are a great positioning tool, as by being on a podcast you are the expert authority offering advice and value to the audience. The biggest people in any industry are in dozens of podcasts, if you don’t know how to get onto a podcast join my free facebook group here to learn how.
Engaging & Authentic Content
No one likes boring content. Get creative, experiment with what works and what doesn’t, and then double down on that. With more noise than ever online, the people that grow are the ones who are unique, and offer value in a different and more engaging way than others. Use short videos, reels and creative graphics to grab attention and engage your audience.
Phenomenal Copywriting
This goes without saying really. If you have amazing copywriting skills, where you can have prospects filling up your inbox like a tsunami, your competition won’t stand a chance. This applies across all your platforms: social media, website, social content and even emails/offers. If there’s one skill to master in business in my opinion, it’s copywriting.
Aesthetic social profiles & branding
I’m sure you’ve seen some social profiles and thought to yourself, “wow, their profile is amazing!”. Let me assure you, this is no accident. Many people claim that all you need is a good offer and your branding doesn’t matter. This is somewhat true, but imagine if you had world class branding, and an insane offer? If you don’t know where to start with this, canva is the perfect resource to create all kinds of creative branding and graphic design.
Having a clear “why”
As Simon Sinek says, Start With Why. People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. If your ‘why” is to make money, then your prospects will sniff that from a mile away. If your ‘why’ is to create an impact and transform the lives of others, you will attract the clients you want, and show to the world that you have a value-driven purpose.
First class customer experience
Last, but certainly not least, is creating a world class experience for your clients. Not only does this provide great results for your clients, but a fulfilling feeling that you know you’ve done a great job for them. It will also ensure that your customers become raving fans, and are sure to tell all their friends how good you are. Always think long term and never cut costs that might lower the client experience, as it will cost you in the long run through word of mouth. If you deliver the best experience and results, your competition won’t stand a chance.
So, there you have my 8 tips to out-position your competition. If you’re an online marketer, business owner or entrepreneur, I highly suggest implementing these 8 tips to help you become the most known, liked and trusted in your industry.
Want to learn more about how to become the number 1 authority in your industry, amplify your message and flood the first page of google with press? Visit our website here and chat with myself or one of my team today.
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