One of the well-known entrepreneurs of London, Cemal Polat Technology, and especially the digital environment have become the center of human life in almost every field.
Recently, commercial ventures and investments are mostly built on the Digital World Metaverse and NFT. Famous businessman and entrepreneur Cemal Polat evaluated the relationship between new generation startups and technology.
Cemal Polat, who has made a book about his attempts and the experiences he gained from the projects he has done, has 3 books in his career as a writer.
“Developments in Technology Change the Course of the Business World”
Emphasizing that there is an organic bond established between the business world and technology, businessman Cemal Polat said; “Every advancement in technology changes the course of the business world and naturally, investments. Let’s take Facebook as an example.
Facebook has been in existence with this brand name since 2004. All of the company’s successes lie in the glorious power of the Facebook name. However, the effects of technology have caused even such a huge brand to change its name.” made statements.
“The Effect of Technology Is The Same For The Production Sector”
Businessman Cemal Polat, who also made evaluations about the real sectors; “I can say that the effect of technology is the same for the manufacturing sector. The technology, which developed in accordance with the internal dynamics of each sector, caused the sectors to experience an axis shift. A good observer today can observe that almost every industry is more intertwined than usual.” continued with his words.
“Entrepreneurs Should Keep Up With The Nature Of Technology And Anticipate The Near Future”
Businessman Cemal Polat, who made a name for himself with his achievements in a short time, also touched on the relationship between entrepreneurs and technology and said, “Entrepreneurs should keep up with the nature of technology and foresee the near future. By the near future, I mean the nearest future.
Recently, the future in investments has started to be now. Therefore, although the concept of the future refers to a wide area in classical definitions, the situation is very different today. From now on, we must continue our initiatives by understanding the present from the future or one step beyond the present.” He ended his speech with his statements.
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