It’s not just the markets pumping big, green candles that’s been making everyone sit up and take notice of Web3 again this week! Gala Games has been getting tongues wagging over a huge announcement involving two massive Hollywood stars.
Out of nowhere last week, the official Gala Games Twitter account sent out a tweet titled “Just a little bit of information regarding our ongoing work with @TheRock and @markwahlberg.” The tweet included a screenshot of a Discord announcement which divulged the exciting update in greater detail.
Hollywood 🤝 Gala Games
Benefactor wrote in the Gala Games Discord: “I promised to say a little about our strategy for Film today. We are as you are reading this developing two films with The Rock and Mark Wahlberg!”
Pretty big stuff, just that alone! Two active Hollywood legends signing up with the crypto gaming and entertainment outfit is overwhelmingly bullish news for the space in general.
However, that wasn’t all. Benefactor went on: “Think about it for a moment….imagine going to a movie and there is a QR code on your ticket to redeem a digital item. The item has been selling on Opensea, so why wouldn’t you take a look? Imagine you’re watching Netflix and a QR code shows up there too. These are just some of the use cases.”
Again, very exciting thoughts being shared with believers of Gala here! Real world use cases for NFTs being integrated into everyday activity. Benefactor wasn’t stopping there though, and went for the hattrick: “All this is to say that Gala Film is going to use $GALA as its own gas token because Gala Film will be on our own blockchain! Millions of fans of The Rock or Mark Wahlberg will be collecting digital items (using) $GALA.”
So in summary, Gala announced:
- a partnership with two massive Hollywood stars
- that movie would be able to collect Gala NFTs by viewing or attending screenings
- Gala Film will use their native token, $GALA
the market reacts
Understandably with such big news, $GALA surged hard moments later making gains of over 70% in a short period of time.
As suddenly as this announcement was made though, it was deleted from the Gala Twitter account and Discord server. It was later explained that the announcement was only intended to be a closed post for the Discord community in Gala, and not for public viewing. An ambitious desire considering the announcement went out to over 100,000 server members.
With the above in mind, still it appears nothing in the leaked announcement was false, and the partnership between the two Hollywood heavyweights is scheduled to go ahead later in 2023.
Gaming and metaverse tokens flying
Gala is just one of many gaming coins which have been enjoying a rise in price since the mini-bull run of January commenced.
$SAND (Sandbox) is up 39% on the week, with $ENJ (Enjin) and $AXS (Axie Infinity) positioned nicely in the green at 25% and 21% respectively. $GALA is sitting pretty comfortably between them at 27%, proving that this pump has more substance to it than just this news alone.
No doubt that exciting times lay ahead with gaming and metaverse based projects. Let’s see what the coming year has in store for us at Gala!
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