Every year, Americans spend millions of dollars on counseling, therapy, and personal coaches. The problem with the market is that it is a market. It’s a business, and while that’s completely understandable, the main goal for counselors, mentors, and coaches, should always be the client – the problem is most focused on sales.
But that is precisely the case for many. They don’t offer lasting solutions and keep their clients returning to them monthly, year after year. Though, of course, this isn’t always the case. Many so-called mentors and coaches may be good at sales but don’t have the capacity to facilitate your growth and success simply because they haven’t experienced the depth of pain in such a varied spectrum of scenarios.
Often they come from a corporate background or lived a simple life with not too many hurdles. The problem is they are dealing with people with multifaceted limitations and simply haven’t gained the depth of character it takes to understand their clients’ burdens truly. They haven’t experienced it themselves or lack the compassion even to be invested in their clients’ outcomes. Compassion is cultivated through suffering.
Evangeline De Châtillon is different. Her fulfillment is invested in the growth of her clients. Having experienced many trials and tribulations herself, she is the mentor who truly cares and will see her clients through to thriving.
Real-Life Lessons
Evangeline is a tenacious coach who isn’t afraid to dive into the nitty-gritty of what is holding her clients back from success. She provides an open and safe space for sharing and offers compassion and the real-life, necessity-driven tools and steps required to achieve goals. She believes treating clients with dignity and respect should be balanced by presenting truths that are sometimes difficult to hear – but crucial for recovery and success.
She has experienced many trials and tribulations in both her adolescence and her rise to success. Recovering from her own trauma taught her the key factors in self-healing and gave her a distinct edge in the mentorship industry.
Self-Love and Healing Toxic Habits
With over 40 million adults in the US receiving treatment or counseling for mental health in 2020, there is a cry for help. However, traditional or conventional therapy or counseling is often ineffective as it fails to address the heart of what troubles people and restricts them from achievements.
Evangeline is well-versed in obstacles and helps her clients face a variety of struggles to emerge victoriously. She helps navigate away from tumultuous relationships through enacting healthy boundaries and healing broken love codes.
“The representations of love that were shown and once engraved in us are faulty,” she shares.
“We must etch new attractions to healthy ways of both partnering and, most notably, learning how to self-partner.”
She describes a major difference between her mentorship and others’ is the emphasis on learning self-validation.
“We see so much about narcissism in today’s psychology,” she states.
“One reason well-meaning people become trapped in these abuse cycles is the constant need for validation. But once you can self-validate and learn self-love, you can free yourself from the trauma bond and heal toxic love habits.”
Evangeline is Today’s Mentor
Evangeline is devoted to the improvement of her clients’ lives. She seeks to help discover a person’s deepest passion and help them overcome the roadblocks that stand between them and their dreams.
“It’s about what success means to you,” she affirms. “It is different for everyone. I promise to tread waters most aren’t willing or equipped to. I will provide the structure you crave and give you the blueprint to a better life.”
There are tools that everyone needs for success but they vary from person to person. This is why traditional coaching often fails: the coach never truly knows the client. Evangeline is willing to dive deeper.
“I help my clients find their blocks to success,” she says.
“Together we find ways that specific individuals can succeed. I was once on the other side. I know what it’s like to be struggling and holding significant blocks that keep your goals out of reach. Whether you want to make your yearly income your monthly or create happiness within your home life, mind, or body, I will get you there.”
Evangeline is today’s mentor that will get you exactly what you want.
Evangeline De Châtillon is a life coach and mentor offering group and private sessions.
Website: https://evangelinedechatillon.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evangeline.dechatillon/
Email: info@evangelinedechatillon.com
Phone: 236 985 0701
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