Charlie, AK, and Porsha are the three women behind B3t On Yours3lf. Also known as B.O.Y.; this trio has quickly risen up the ranks in hip-hop industry as a formidable force delivering fire and sexiness. Ever since the release of They Like in 2020, B.O.Y. has seen their popularity skyrocket, with increased name-recognition and notoriety likely in 2021 and beyond.
The experiences these three have had in life serve as the source of inspiration for the lyrics in their songs. They are all strong, confident, and smart women who know how to captivate an audience, while also imparting words of wisdom. Their salacious performances in their music videos reign supreme, while their melodic harmonies allow anyone to join in and sing along to the catchy hooks.
When you listen and see the women behind B3t On Yours3lf, you can immediately tell they each have their own unique personas. AK is unapologetically fierce, dramatic, and confident. Charlie is always on the lookout for getting rid of negativity being thrown at her. Porsha brings an air of street justice in her demeanor and lyricism. These three women band together to be an unstoppable force in hip-hop today. As a group of powerful women, they always make decisions together, making sure that they are all in agreement before they move forward with something. That level of cohesion and unity has helped them get to where they are today, and will undoubtedly take them to new heights of success.
While you may not have heard of them, their They Like music video has been seen nearly 1.5 million times since it debuted in June 2020. Although it has not enjoyed a high level of prominence yet, that is all about to change. B.O.Y. is planning to release some much-anticipated fresh music soon, which is already being looked forward to by their growing fanbase. Whatever these women cook up, it is bound to be bold, daring, and catchy.
The hip-hop industry is still heavily dominated by men. That has made it challenging for women to gain prominence in it in a meaningful way. Most women are relegated to being video vixens and eye candy in music videos and on stage. However, B.O.Y. is taking command of their own success and showing that female groups can unlock extraordinary greatness in hip-hop today.
The unique musical stylings of B3t On Yours3lf, along with the mesmerizing video features they have released, are quickly turning heads by hip-hop lovers and industry heads alike. Female empowerment is making its way back onto the main stage, with gender inequality being dismantled bit by bit.
If you want to support strong-minded women who are looking to transform the hip-hop industry for the better, then you will want to take a listen to the music being released by B.O.Y. They are well on their way to becoming an international sensation.
You can follow B.O.Y. on Instagram @b3tonyours3lf and on Facebook.
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