This is a global public health crisis that has also led to an economic one. While much of the attention during the pandemic has been focused on areas such as the United States, Europe, and Asia, there are other parts of the world that have largely been overlooked. Recently, Francine Maia Ben Toguchi, founder of the Dana Solomao Institute, gave her thoughts regarding her charity, the pandemic, and the future of the world.
Francine and her charity have focused on helping needy families throughout Brazil. As a South American country, Brazil has largely been forgotten during the pandemic. This problem has been made worse by an inept response from the government that has left many individuals and families on the streets without access to basic human resources, let alone the medical care they need. This is where Toguchi and the Dana Solomao Institue have stepped in.
The Dana Solomao Institute was founded back in 2019. The institute was founded to focus on various issues that impact the public as a whole including public policies, public health, and more. The goal of the institute is to take a new approach to the governance of Brazil. The goal is to change the way politics, administration, and policies are handled at local, regional, and federal levels. In this manner, Francine has tackled a wide range of issues that impact Brazil. Of course, one of the biggest issues impacting Brazil today is the pandemic.
According to Francine, the institute originally planned to distribute around 5,000 emergency kits to those who need them. Already, the institute has passed out more than 8,000 kits and they plan to reach 10,000 kits soon. These kits have a lot of the necessities that individuals and families need to stay safe during the pandemic. Some of the items in the kits include hand sanitizer, liquid soap, and a face mask to help prevent the spread of the virus. Furthermore, the face masks have unique patterns on them, which encourages kids to keep them on. Francine states that she has found a unique sense of satisfaction and fulfillment in bringing these necessities to those who need them.
One of the exceptional ways in which Francine has been able to help the needy families of Brazil is through international marketing. She has partnered with myself, to spread the word about the plight of those in Brazil. In this manner, she has been able to raise the international profile of the institute, soliciting support from abroad. During a time when the federal government in Brazil has fallen short, the Dana Solomao Institute has stepped in to fill the gap. Furthermore, Francine has worked to educate the public on the most important guidelines that should be followed in order to halt the spread of the virus.
Even though Francine has already done an impressive job, she wants to do more. She draws on her experiences as a child and young adult to fuel her desire to help others. She wants to distribute food, clean water, and healthcare necessities to those who need them in order to help the country heal. It will be interesting to see where Francine Maia Ben Toguchi and the Dana Solomao Institute will go from here.
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