The morning commute is a thing of strife for most of us and can cost us a hefty amount to boot!
Imagine getting paid €1000 a month to commute to your current job as a “Professional Commuter”
One Irish company from Dublin is offering literally this – €1000 to travel to and from work each day. Green Electric Scooters is offering 5 applicants the opportunity to get paid to commute and all they have to do is log their experience of their trip to and from work in Dublin. The job application can be found here.
What Does the Job Entail?
Each member of the team will earn €50 a day for 20 return commutes over a month to and from their place of work. The company is hoping to gain valuable insight into the difference in timescale travelling by electric scooter has against public transport, private car and other means of travel.
They’ll also log and discuss the changes and differences in mindset, motivation in the workplace and productivity this alternative means of travel brings the employees.
The job description states “Over the course of 4 weeks, our dedicated commuters will be required to take part in a variety of experiments testing out theories including the pace of e-scooters vs Dublin public transport, e-scooters vs car transport and also comparisons around enjoyability, stress and the effects of commuting on motivation at work, fatigue and productivity.
“The individuals will be required to take part in a video call before and after each experiment, to ensure they understand their tasks fully, and to complete a verbal questionnaire detailing their experiences and results. In return for their participation, each ‘Commute Reviewer’ will receive a payment of € 1000 at the end of the testing period.”
Electric scooters have grown in popularity massively in countries where legislation allows them to take their place on the road. Currently, the Irish government is reviewing the law surrounding them, though the expectation is they’ll be legal in some form before the end of 2021.
Cormac Reynolds of Green Electric Scooters said, “We’re seeing a big increase in the numbers of people looking for a faster, easier and frankly better way to commute. Electric scooters are a greener, often faster and in the medium term – a cheaper way to commute. Dublin is a great city but there are definite issues with commuting via public transport and car.
“For us, understanding the experience on an electric scooter from a range of perspectives is invaluable and will provide us with the sort of data to make the product we offer better and also allows us to certify some of the theories we have around this means of travel for commuters. If you think you’re up to the job, or know somebody who is, please do share and apply!”
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