Finding a comprehensive and well-detailed course that teaches entrepreneurship isn’t an easy feat. There are so many courses available that teach everything but financial skills, which is what most people need. Usman Rao, an entrepreneur who is the co-founder of Jelly143 Media Market, set out to change that by creating a program to help entrepreneurs generate more income.
Usman’s entrepreneurship journey began by starting a small media marketing company that helped small businesses generate a strong online presence. He used different marketing tools such as social media platforms, advertising, and SEO to increase their brand awareness and online presence.
Usman became a freelancer along with studying and learned a lot of skills. In December 2017, Rao created a channel on YouTube and his videos went viral as soon as 4 to 5 videos were uploaded. However, Usman did not feel satisfied on YouTube. After that, Usman learned coding and created a website that was related to digital marketing. A few days later, a lot of traffic started coming to the website and that’s how he started his company.
Usman says, “I realized that I was becoming an authority in not only digital marketing but also entrepreneurship. I decided to expand my business and my brand, get into the niche market of educating people on how they can create an income for themselves.” Online entrepreneurship can’t be achieved overnight, says Usman.
Rao founded Jelly143 The Movement, an elite group of entrepreneurs who provides PR, SEO, knowledge panel, advertise, etc. and learn how to make their money work for them. The education platform has taught over 100,000 people worldwide how to make money without spending their entire life working.
Usman has offers from foreign countries. He says, “I consider clients as owners. Because of them, I am here today. We should always respect the clients and they should understand what they want. They also our family. One should understand this, and only then will a company find success.”
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