Who knew that what most people would consider to be a leisurely weekend activity could turn into a fully scaled business and lucrative social media account? Well, hiking aficionado turned major Instagram influencer, Eliza Harry, did just that.
Eliza became an avid adventurer at a young age and has been documenting her many outdoor excursions and travel experiences on the social media platform since she was only 15 years old. Now, years later, she has grown her platform to more than 400,000 followers and counting.
What started as a fun passion project for her own interests soon became an opportunity to turn her passion into a career. When she first started her Instagram account, Eliza was working her 9-to-5 day job and doing social media merely as a side hustle.
Eventually, she began making a profit from social media through brand partnerships. When starting a niche business like she did, Eliza believes that mindset is the most important part of becoming a successful entrepreneur. When planning out her content and business plans, she always goes into detail about having a clear objective. She argues that focusing on what is important to you is imperative to being successful in business.
Of course, starting a business is no small feat, especially on a social media platform that is extremely saturated with never-ending content. According to Eliza, the biggest challenge of her profession now is the time-consuming pull of social media. “It’s tempting to spend all of your time on your phone,” she says. “You really need to focus on why you’re doing it and make sure you make time to keep doing the things you love in real life.”
This love for what Eliza does is the fire behind every decision she makes for her business, as well as how she gets through the adversity that comes with it. Additionally, Eliza recognizes that she can’t do everything alone, and prides herself in having amazing and supportive friends that are there for her when she needs them most.
“It’s so important to have a home base. A group of people that light you up and make you excited about life,” says the passionate adventurer. “When times are tough, these are the people that pull you through and remind you of how good things are.”
Not only is a great support system necessary to the emotional challenges of starting your own business, but the people within your company are also essential to success. Eliza believes that the most important part about scaling a business is the people involved.
Based on her own experience, she says that if people are excited about what you’re doing and believe in your mission, they will refer others. One of Eliza’s favorite quotes is, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” She firmly believes that when hiring a team, the most important thing to look for is that your values align.
At the end of the day, Eliza defines success as being able to make goals and stick with them, no matter how big or small they may be. She says that her biggest success in life is building up micro habits that over the long run have given her the momentum to accomplish whatever she desires. Her best piece of advice for other aspiring business owners and influencers is to take the time to clearly articulate their vision, and to set small, achievable goals.
Eliza is definitely an entrepreneur to look out for. We would like to congratulate her on all of her amazing success thus far, and we can’t wait to see what she does next. We encourage readers to follow Eliza Harry on her Instagram.
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