Being an entrepreneur can mean so many things to different people. To Jadell, his entrepreneurial ventures include more than just a business. First and foremost, Jadell is an educator. He’s a dance teacher, a business coach, and an adjunct professor, but all of these ventures are centered around his passion to help others grow into the best versions of themselves. From students to professionals, Jadell is shining light on the potential in all the people that cross his path.
Jadell educates from a place of honesty and sincerity with a focus on the state of his students’ and clients’ mental health. He speaks candidly about his past, and how it has shaped who he is today. As someone who struggled with mental health, to the point of attempted suicide, he can speak on the topic from a direct and honest angle. Conversations with Jadell regarding the significance of a good mental health practice and its direct correlation to your success, provide a deep and enlightening conversation that you wouldn’t be able to find elsewhere. His honesty and transparency provide an insight that can truly change lives.
He is a massive supporter of Social Emotional Learning (SEL). CASEL defines social emotional learning as “the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions, and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.” Jadell practices this teaching style in his own classes. He makes sure to address anything he sees needs attention, and he ensures that he makes himself available to his students.
To put social emotional learning into context, Jadell’s own journey is a perfect example of the significance and effectiveness of SEL. Jadell shares how his self-awareness and self-discovery are what have brought him to find the massive success that he has today. He has a strong resume that includes being a Guest Master Instructor for the Abby Lee Dance Company- probably one of the most famous dance companies in pop culture due to Dance Moms- and that is only one accomplishment among many others. Jadell’s journey is all thanks to his newly sculpted self-image, and reshaping your self-image is a skill he shares with his students and his clients, often through dance.
“As a professor choreographer, coach, and instructor. I use dance as a tool for my students to get to know who they are, to channel their passion to channel, even their frustrations and fears, and to utilize dance as a tool to grow in the areas of social emotional learning, human engineering, and emotional intelligence. Dance is a powerful tool because you can utilize it to grow from the inside out.”
He also shares, it’s not only important to see your strengths but your weaknesses. These “weaknesses” shouldn’t be looked at as something bad, but they should be looked at as opportunities for growth and personal development. Identifying them is important to unlocking your potential and giving yourself your best shot. Being honest with yourself and open will allow you to make your needed changes and bring your closer to your goals.
Jadell continues to learn from not only his own experiences but from his students’ responses to his teaching. He is mindful and attentive to what goes on in his studio and makes sure to apply his experiences in his future lessons. There was a moment that really left an impression on him and enlightened him to a mindset that he continues to incorporate in his work. “I was teaching an adult Hip-Hop class in San Francisco with most of the students working in the tech industry, which meant that a lot of people coming to my class were coming to de-stress… What I love about movement is that you cannot hide from yourself. Your insecurities and your fears, all come out through your movement, and when I focused on helping my students love themselves, see themselves, empower and encourage themselves. It helped everything else to come after that come into place.” He not only applies this valued lesson to his dance instruction but to his business instruction as well. In order to find the success you want – and are capable of- you need to first truly believe in yourself and your ability to do it, whatever “it” may be.
“I’m in the business of helping people. And I love it, as it pertains to both personal and professional development. I work to create a balance between mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health in my students’ and clients’ lives. Part of my mission is to help people see that your versatility and your diversity is a skill that you can develop and grow, and it can be utilized in more than one area of your life.”
You can follow Jadell on Instagram.
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