Work and career is about much more than just getting a paycheck. People usually want to work for fulfillment and satisfaction, but it’s not as easy as it sounds. A Gallup survey once found that a startling 52 percent of workers dislike their jobs and 18 percent are discouraged from work altogether.
That said, life can change fast and your entire life satisfaction can go up when you like your job and feel what you do is important. That is, fortunately, the case for Kynia Thrower, a healthcare worker and homebound aid who helps care for the elderly. She does everything from keeping them company, ensuring they take their meds on time, feeding them, and more.
What are Kynia Thrower’s tips for finding a career that leaves her feeling satisfied and fulfilled?
Firstly, her career aligns with her character and principles. Since she was a child, she would care for her aging grandmother and had come to love caring for her. She knew by this point that she would likely enjoy the role of a caretaker and should pursue a career in it. In addition to Kynia Thrower’s job, which leaves her fulfilled and happy, she also commits a lot of her spare time towards bettering her community and looking after those in need.
Twice a month, she purchases food for the homeless and meets with her friends to hand out clothing to those in need.
It’s evident here that Kynia Thrower’s interests as well as what she does in her personal life aligns with her career goals. If you want to find a rewarding career, it’s important to find your purpose first so that you can strive towards it in everything you do, just like Kynia. A few questions to ask yourself are: “am I happy”, “who am I doing this for?” and “what do I want to happen?”.
At the same time, it’s also important to find a career that challenges you, because a career with challenges allows you to grow and adapt. It allows you to become more proficient in the work you do. Kynia Thrower encounters challenges in her own day-to-day life from long hours to patients who require constant care around the clock, but she always does her best to put things in perspective and be positive.
“I treat my patients like my own family.” Her favourite part about her work is helping people and making people smile. So much of finding the right career path is going with your gut and intuition. Kynia Thrower felt that it was important to help others and she followed her intuition to become a healthcare worker. According to her, if you want to find a fulfilling career, it pays off to be patient. “Patience is one of the world’s greatest virtues.” Above all else, while pursuing your career path, Kynia Thrower has a few tips: Be patient. Be kind. Be loving.
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