The Colombian influencer expands his career to Spotify and Apple Music to promote his self-care ideas, becoming the talk of the town among young people in Latin America.
At only 30 years old, Mauricio Rosero has played a huge role during these trying times of social distancing. His vigorous spirit and his thoughtfulness were more than enough to help overcome the struggle of confinement among the younger generation.
For many teenagers exhausted by the confinement and lack of interaction with others, social media became the only medium where they could bond with other people. They spend many hours on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok consuming content, but what type of content?
This was the trigger that led Mauricio Rosero to create several videos based on different topics that are difficult to find on social media, such as hope, courage, trust, optimism, and self-love, among others.
The young writer who years prior had embarked on a spiritual journey is recognized today as a promising motivational coach in many Spanish-speaking countries, catching the attention of many with this content that is currently the talk of the town, having more than 168 thousand followers on his Instagram account.
One of his best-known ideas, with over 10 million visits is “Hold on to the Plan.” Through this premise, he managed to captivate the heart of thousands of young people from Colombia, Venezuela, and even the United States, where he currently resides.
His proposal is unique in these trying times: “My publications aim to help others discover their purpose,” Rosero explains. “I want to show that it is important for young people to have an incentive, a project; that one has to take risks achieving their goals, and that with perseverance and a good attitude anyone is capable of building a bright future and fulfilling their dreams,” he added.
Following his “leitmotif” Mauricio Rosero makes an even bigger bet: The young entrepreneur has recently decided to expand his content on well-known digital platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music. Through his short motivational audios, premises, ideas, and thoughts, he is receiving great acceptance and can reach not only Latin America but also the whole world.
“I do not plan to abandon social media; on the contrary, I am planning to enhance my content. One of my greatest talents is identifying opportunities, which is why I began to make my way on powerful platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, and Amazon Music”.
At the same time, he also explains: “We are going through tough times, and I want to be there for everyone who needs it. My goal is still focused on spreading my message of optimism and encouragement, but I want to become even closer to my audience, who are just one click away”.
Rosero’s idea is to regularly produce content with the purpose of helping others, reaching more and more homes. “Resiste”, “Cada día”, “Démosle tiempo al tiempo”, “Todo de Corazón”, and “Sanar” are some of his most listened audios on Spotify, each one having between 30 thousand and 131 thousand listeners per month.
Without a doubt, Mauricio Rosero’s proposal is a clear example of his initiative, perseverance, and leadership. His project not only adds energy and optimism into our daily lives, but also serves as inspiration for many young people who are just starting to build their future.
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