MERGE Media Disrupts the Sales Process for Mortgage Brokers and Loan Officers

MERGE Media, an innovative company that creates customized digital marketing campaigns for mortgage professionals, is showing that the best ideas come when you are not willing to settle for business being done as usual.

The industry has long struggled with the same question about the sales process asked elsewhere: how exactly do you effectively cultivate a relationship with a customer so that the sale is achieved?

Cold calling, one option, has been all but abandoned for its inefficiencies and low chance of success. The cultivation of relationships, while important, takes time to achieve. Even buying leads from industry giants is frustratingly ineffective, as you must compete against other purchasers of the same leads to contact them first.

MERGE Media believes there is a better way: they give each of their clients a calendar of pre-booked appointments with warmed-up, personalized leads that have been sold to no one else. It’s an innovation in the sales process that is allowing mortgage professionals to become more productive and efficient and to boost their profits faster and more consistently.

Why Personalized Leads Can Be a Game-Changer for Mortgage Loan Officers and Brokers

To understand why MERGE Media’s approach is helping its clients to achieve higher sales, consider this hypothetical example. A broker in New York City decides to purchase leads from a company that sells thousands of them to countless customers.

These prospects could live anywhere and be of any demographic. While you can assume that each one is interested in obtaining a mortgage loan, their level of interest and ability to qualify for a loan can vary. The problem, then, is that the broker will receive all of them and must contact each one.

Some will have already spoken to another broker while others may be interested but ultimately cannot qualify for a loan for different reasons. MERGE Media believes that this is an inefficient way to cultivate leads and has created a system that takes this part of the sales process off the shoulders of mortgage professionals so that they can enjoy a higher probability of success.

MERGE Media’s Solution for Brokers and Loan Officers

The team at MERGE Media analyzed these issues and established services that would alleviate the burdens faced by their clients, freeing them to experience more productivity and profits with their businesses. Through customized digital marketing campaigns, MERGE Media helps its clients to sidestep an archaic sales system and get several steps ahead of their competitors.

The approach centers on the solution that when a mortgage professional walks into the office, they should see waiting for them a calendar of pre-booked appointments with prospects that are viable and warmed-up. 

The MERGE Media team accomplishes this with the mentality that when they work for their clients, they come alongside them as their own marketing team. They analyze the ideal persona for a client and then create and run marketing campaigns that generate prospects that are sold only to their client. 

When a prospect makes an inbound loan inquiry, MERGE Media will send first-contact emails and text messages on behalf of the mortgage client. These are sent continually until a MERGE Media in-house agent speaks with the prospect. Once the individual books an appointment with a mortgage banker, the cultivation process continues.

More emails and text messages are sent with the goal of supplying the person with further information on the mortgage process. If MERGE Media’s client is unable to speak with the prospect for several days, MERGE Media will continue to send emails and text messages to the lead so that the cultivation process continues.

This is the secret behind MERGE Media’s ability to present each of its mortgage clients with calendars of appointments with exclusive, warmed leads. 

MERGE Media: More Productivity, More Efficiency, and More Profits

With MERGE Media, a mortgage professional can leave behind outdated ways of cultivating leads and instead focus on why they originally entered the industry: to have fun, meet interesting people, and have a lucrative career. In doing so, they have a reliable, experienced partner who will always work hard to make the first stage of the sales process flow more easily, resulting in a stronger business and less stress for their clients.

MERGE Media is a digital marketing agency that specializes in generating customized leads for mortgage brokers and lenders. Its professionals create personalized campaigns for their clients and constantly look for ways to help them to do their jobs better and more easily. For the convenience of its clients, MERGE Media partners with Coin Payments and can accept payments in cryptocurrency or keep them in the company’s cryptocurrency wallet. 

For more information about MERGE Media, please visit:




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