As a woman and a mother to two young daughters, there’s nothing Dr. Alexis Parcells is more passionate about than advocating for women’s health and empowerment. She’s a board-certified plastic surgeon helping women feel empowered and comfortable in their own bodies, a proud owner of Parcells Plastic Surgery, an active volunteer for several breast cancer organizations, and an authority in the space with several textbooks and professional journal articles published.
Dr. Alexis Parcells first became interested in plastic surgery at a young age after taking a medical mission to Morocco at just 16 years old. Ever since she saw how the lives of children and their families changed as a result of a simple 1-hour operation, she became passionate about being able to enact that type of change in the lives of her future patients and committed herself to a career in medicine.
Although her passion was there, her journey was challenging. She’s always struggled to perform well on standardized tests, and wasn’t able to get accepted to medical schools in America. She chose to ultimately study at St. George’s University, and matched into Rutgers New Jersey Medical School’s Plastic Surgery Residency. Since graduating, she has become a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon and has opened her own practice, Parcells Plastic Surgery.
While many people break under adversity, Dr. Parcells has thrived under it. She says, “You never really discover who you are or what you are made of until you’ve left your comfort zone. That’s where the fun really starts.”
Plastic surgery is a very well-established field of medicine at this point in time. But, there’s a stigma around plastic surgery that Dr. Parcells is aiming to change. She wants women to feel empowered rather than ashamed of their choice to have a botox treatment or breast lift, and it’s been a challenge for Alexis to take this battle on herself. She works daily to create a culture of positivity and self-love around plastic surgery, and devotes time in and out of her career to doing just this.
Dr. Parcells has always been a persistent in her goals. She launched her own practice during the COVID-19 pandemic. She continues to be an activist for women’s empowerment and is working toward ending the stigma around plastic surgery.
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