If an occasion arises in which extra help and care are needed for family members, finding the right fit can be a difficult decision. The type of care, budget, and what the relative wants for themselves are all factors to consider.
For some, a nursing home or care facility might be the best solution. Others, however, want to remain in their own home where they are comfortable and have a healthcare professional come to them as needed. But having access to such resources is not always within reach of clients. Fortunately, that is exactly why nurse Fumi Ogunsemore created her company.
Rising Above the Circumstances
As a nurse of 10 years and the CEO and owner of her companies, Valley of Joy Home Care and Valley Of Joy Medical Staffing, which she founded in 2017, Ogunsemore wanted to provide an easier solution that would support her community. Through Valley Of Joy HomeCare, Ogunsemore is able to provide the healthcare that so many really need without having to give up their own home.
Of course, after the impact and aftermath caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, there is even more of a need for in-home care. From equipment and supply shortages to fewer employees at care facilities and the easy spread between patients living in care homes, it would seem natural that more people would prefer to stay in their own homes.
While Ogunsemore helped combat the COVID-19 pandemic by helping nurses find jobs and low-staffed hospitals the workers they needed to fight the ever-increasing number of cases, she had a far more personal reason for creating Valley of Joy Home Care and Medical Staffing.
Ogunsemore grew up caring for an elderly relative and knows very well the time, commitment, and stress carrying such a responsibility can cause. So, she knows and understands each and every challenge caregivers and relatives must face.
After facing those challenges and finding better solutions to them, Ogunsemore decided to extend the advice her grandmother had given, in telling her, “If you have a loaf of bread and you see someone who doesn’t have anything, you need to share with them.”
Even as the cost of in-home care continues to rise and become more of a privilege for those who can afford it, Ogunsemore found a way to further Valley of Hoy Home Care. Through the entrepreneur’s resourcefulness, the business remains cost-effective and accessible to everyone across all communities because it makes use of government funding and programs for the elderly, disabled, and impaired.
The Impact Ogunsemore Has on Nurses and Patients
In the few years that Valley of Joy HomeCare and Valley of Joy Medical Staffing has been operating, Ogunsemore has hired 74 employees, staffed 5,000 nurses, and has cared for 40 healthcare clients who could stay at home to receive their care. Although she has helped many nurses find jobs, she too is always prepared to step in wherever she is needed.
Clearly, based on the sheer number of lives Osgunsemore has positively impacted, Valley of Joy HomeCare and Medical Staffing continues to help people on both ends of the healthcare equation.
“There’s an abundance of opportunities that not everyone may know of,” Ogunsemore said. “It’s my responsibility to access the information and people that I know and connect those in need with people who are ready to seize new opportunities. That’s my gift, and I’m glad for the ability to use it.”
Through this work, nurses can climb the ladder to achieve their goals or even more to another state they’d like to live in while patients are able to stay comfortable and at home in their own residence. Osgunsemore even provides housing for nurses, moving resources, and much more to help nurses continue in their essential line of work.
While so many people benefit from the service Valley of Joy HomeCare and Valley Of Joy Medical Staffing, she also feels fortunate and fulfilled to provide stability and care to those who need it. She certainly has the keen eye to find opportunities where others cannot and use that ability to lift those around her up.
About Valley of Joy Home Care
Valley of Joy HomeCare has been in business for over 5 years, and with the addition of their new endeavor, Valley Of Joy Medical Staffing, have helped dozens of clients and placed hundreds of nurses across the country. They work alongside America’s biggest healthcare facilities across the country and assist in ensuring adequate staffing. To learn more about their services, click here: http://www.valleyofjoyhomecare.com
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