The Dream Squad, globally known as the DS Members Collection is owned by a Pakistani Muneeb Khurshid. Muneeb started his business in Pakistan and expanded its first core global operation in Chicago.
DS started with the usage of custom-designed supercars that were used to visit ill children. Healthy children were motivated by sending them on supercars. This was later made a community outreach program whose aim for 2022 is mental health awareness for all.
DS is the largest exotic car marketplace for memberships, rentals, commercial shoots, and displays for production. This Pakistani business has allowed global benefits in a luxurious way that has encouraged and enforced DS to expand globally. DS is now expanding its second location in Flordia with its third location in California.
DS benefits in Pakistan have allowed Muneeb to succeed internationally. In addition to the new locations, DS is also moving into expanding DS Members with Aviation services which has enforced Muneeb to acquire its aircraft. This will disrupt the private jet industry leading to problem-solving for everyday customers with an all-inclusive membership.

DS Collection is now globally known as the era of buying. Besides, This Pakistani has promised a level of exceptional service and topnotch and top quality the product worldwide. Unlike many other car rental businesses, DS Members Collection tries to obtain its vehicles brand new or slightly used. Pakistani Muneeb has ensured to only give the best to its customers and members base.
DS’s top-notch quality has allowed it to expand its operations and luxurious services all over the world. In addition, DS Collection also has frequent customers over the globe in areas like the United States, Monaco, and Switzerland.
Furthermore, DS is planning to expand from Pakistan and continue its growth as the leading industry provider for luxury and exotic items. It aims to provide items that are not only limited to sports and cars but also include its expansion into real estate, private jets, high-quality jewelry, and yachts.
Pakistani entrepreneur Muneeb also plans to introduce a global membership program once it opens up in more locations where DS customers are frequent. This Pakistani-owned business has aimed to disrupt the whole industry and become a household name that is never forgotten.
They have been providing top-notch services to government officials and private businesses. Furthermore, it launched a brokerage program in which third-party owners and collectors are allowed to add their assets to the fleet. This allowed them to earn a major revenue and profit which in return grows DS’s accessible fleet at exponential growth. This growth has further encouraged Muneeb to expand its Pakistani operations globally.
They boast their inventory on their Website and Instagram. DS Members has promised to continue to fine-tune its details to further its success and solve the problems within the luxury market of exotic goods. DS Members Collection is currently located in many locations such as Vertiport, Sheltair Aviation, and OC Airport in Newport Beach.
However, it is also working on its mobile application that will allow its customers and investors to track their reservations, goods and services offered, and asset management. This luxurious and top-notch presentation is on point which will only further the growth of DS globally and make Pakistani business more accessible.
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