What is a DAO?
Think of a DAO like a company that was born on the internet. DAOs are governed and run by their community, there are no CEOs or board members – just contributors whose status in the organization depends on their contributions.
DAOs usually form around a common goal. Some aim to create products within certain niches, some want to raise money for specific causes, and some just want to stir things up a bit! ConstitutionDAO for example was a recent DAO that formed and raised millions to buy the U.S. constitution.
One group that recently grabbed my attention is PubDAO. PubDAO was formed by Decrypt, a leading Web3, and Blockchain-focused publication. Their goal is to decentralize the process of creating and distributing media and content across the internet.
What makes PubDAO different?
This new decentralized autonomous organization is focused on building a better ecosystem for publishing, distribution, and compensation for creatives and publishers alike. Right now we’re an eclectic mix of developers, writers, editors, entrepreneurs, and even reps from other DAOs.
At the moment, PubDAO is split into two guilds: Product and Editorial. Although there will be many more guilds in the future.
Product Guild
Product team members consist of project managers, front and back end developers, and smart contract developers. This is the technical division that builds the infrastructure of PubDAO. These are builders who are focusing on creating products to improve the decentralized media ecosystem. The first of which is a recently proposed platform that will curate articles about Web3 to identify top writers in the space and reward curators with tokens.
Editorial Guild
The editorial crew is made up of writers, editors, and contributors that post articles to different publications. In our Discord channel, we work together pitching ideas and picking up the most interesting stories to write about. Writers in PubDAO can produce research-oriented content for the DAO to publish or work on writing as a service – gigs sourced by the community.
If you’re interested in joining PubDAO, stop by the Discord and introduce yourself. There are no barriers to entry here, just come with an open mind and help us form the future of decentralized media.
Disclaimer: all info in this article is sourced from PubDAO.
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