Social media for realtors is a necessity in this digital era we are living in. About 99% of Millenials and 90% of baby boomers search for their homes online (according to the National Association of Realtors). Social media is integral for attracting potential clients and closing deals across the real estate industry.
Here are 3 tips you can leverage as a real estate agent:
Leverage social media
The National Association of Realtors has stated that 47% of estate businesses note that social media provides the highest quality leads compared to other sources. Since more than 99% of Millennials utilize social media for their home search, leveraging social media is a key aspect in connecting with potential home buyers.
Get involved in your local community
To gain more ground in your immediate locality, you must be actively involved. Attending events such as a street fair or even a high school baseball game is a great way to meet new people. Sponsoring local events is also an excellent way to drive more eyes to your name.
Build relationships left and right
Maintaining relationships is as important as creating new ones. You can build strong relationships by being deliberate, punctual, having a positive attitude, and showing the client that you can be trusted with their dream house.
If you are a real estate agent struggling to think of what to post on social media you need my latest book. “365 Days of Social Media Posts For Real Estate Agents” has saved hundreds of realtors tons of time and energy in creating and maintaining their social presence. Head over to Amazon and grab yourself a copy today!
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