Regiment, the First of the ‘The Blocks of Lisbon’ Photography Collection Mints Tonight 

tony sellen nft

Blockchain and specifically, NFT technology, have changed the field of photography forever. Long ago, before Instagram, and the internet all together, a physical print was actually valuable, scarce, and could provide value to the photographer and the print owner. 

Photography Meets NFTs

The digital age has changed that, and ownership and copyrighted material all came into question. NFTs have brought the problem full circle and photographers can once again prove ownership of a work of art and authenticity can now be guaranteed.

An eye for geometric shapes

Tony Sellen is one photographer that has managed to grasp hold of the new technology to share his love for photography with the world. Tonight, minting opens for Regiment, the first in his collection titled ‘Blocks of Lisbon.’ The collection is of square format black and white images taken in the Portuguese city and the high contrast art works of patterns and shapes found in the architecture.

Sellen is well known for many of his cityscapes including Manhattan which sold for 16.8 ETH. His signature style often highlights geometric shapes found in the architecture of large cities. Sellen is a full time Engineer in London and has been for 25 years. His eye for shapes and just the right angle might be attributed to this intimate connection with design. While he said he enjoys the peace and quiet found while shooting landscapes in mountains and beaches, he takes photos of what is accessible and that is the city. The downside: Tony endures constant questions from people and interactions with security guards trying to send him on his way.

Photography became a real passion about a decade ago when he found his black and white style. Previously, he was a hobbyist taking photographs while traveling to amazing places like Australia, USA, and many other countries around the globe. He had a DSLR camera and simply wanted to have memories of what he saw in the scenic places he visited. 

Outside of NFT’s and digital galleries, Tony has been featured in several real-world exhibits selling many prints along the way. This is something he may be doing more of in the future since Picture This, an online marketplace and magazine for photographic arts, recruited Sellen as one of their featured photographers

The transition into NFT’s was not completely without trials. Everything is new and has to be learned. Tony said, “the new technologies give way to new possibilities. There is so much to experiment and have fun with while creating and selling art.” Mistakes are made and gas prices can make you pay for these, but it’s all part of the learning experience. 

Minting of Regiment Opens Tonight

The first of ‘the Blocks of Lisbon’ collection will be minted with numbered editions on Tony’s custom ERC-720 contract. Opening on January 13th at 3:37 pm GMT and closing 36 hours later at 3:37 am GMT. The cost is .0337 ETH. Yes, the number is significant. Sellen’s daughter was born at 3:37 and it changed his life forever. 

Regiment ( tony sellen

The merging of blockchain technology and photography is just another step in the move toward bringing industries on-chain. The future may see many more photographic works that come attached to an NFT for authenticity and verified ownership. To see more of Tony’s work, visit TonySellen | Twitter | Linktree


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