The idea of Manifestation has taken the internet by storm, with many inspired and driven people turning toward the technique to create their dream lives, however, a lot of people fall prey to the common pitfalls of trying to manifest their desires without a strong foundation or lifestyle conducive to developing these opportunities within their reality. Rosie Victoria is an intuitive soul-led mentor and Business Coach that focuses primarily on Wealth Activation, using her unique skillset to develop the practices in people’s lives necessary for successfully manifesting their career goals in a tangible manner. She has worked with nearly 300 clients who have been able to successfully create five to six-figure business months thanks to Rosie’s practices.
Rosie has a deep understanding and keen perception of the energy around her. She has used this ability to enrich both her own life and the lives of those around her, assisting women in overcoming blockages that stifle the manifestation process and training them in the techniques that keep energy flowing in their lives. The belief that “Wealth is a birthright” has pushed Rosie forward, aiding women from business, entrepreneurial and creative backgrounds in generating the abundance that many people never believed they’d be able to attain. Rosie’s unique relationship with energy has shown her where people go wrong in the process of manifestation, and she uses her techniques not only to mentor women in generating material wealth, but also in creating a lifestyle that nurtures the growth of self-sustaining habits invoking the manifestation process daily.
Alongside her 1 on 1 Coaching sessions, Rosie also runs the Women’s Business Lounge, a tight-knit community of business women that have congregated around Rosie to share, collaborate and empower each other on their personal manifestation journeys. Many of 1,000+ member strong Facebook group are happy clients that have come into their own under Rosie’s caring guidance, and use the unique community aspect of the group to push themselves further towards their goals.
What Rosie understands that many people miss, is the idea that “your thoughts, feelings and energy can be screaming for success and abundance, but if you don’t reflect that in your actions, you will find yourself repeatedly in the same old cycles.” She teaches that manifestation is not a shortcut to getting what you want and bypassing where you are at, but rather a tool to grow alongside your ambitions. Her coaching style is intimate and personal, and she works closely with her clients to implement methods for Manifestation that work effectively within their own situations, fostering a balanced lifestyle and an alignment to living in fulfillment of their ambitions.
Rosie’s wealth of experience blending energetic work with business has provided tangible value for 200+ clients, reporting a noticeable increase in revenue, and helping these women to reconnect with their soul, wealth and visibility in business. She offers a framework that enables people to perceive the world differently, opening them up to the hidden opportunities that the universe has tucked just out of sight of the untrained. Rosie’s Business Coaching service is the answer for women seeking control over their career development and success.
Connect with Rosie Victoria
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