Tanu Razz is a Bangladeshi Musician Artist , Entrepreneur, Digital creator, Influencer & internet personality who is mostly known as a Digital Creator rather than Musician. He has already been verified as the official artist from the international music platforms YouTube, TikTok and Spotify.
Tanu Razz Born, December 2000 in Rangpur and
Education: University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh.
He received the official artist channel verification on YouTube in March 2021 and recently he also received the Artist Verify badge from Spotify. His official artist channel named“ Tanu Razz ”has also verified in March 2021.
He started his musical and digital marketing career in 2021 with a album tittle “Rongin Shohor” from a renowned audio and digital marketing company “ Bengalism Records”.
“I’ve worked with a lot of production houses but now it’s time to work on my own YouTube channel,” he said.
“YouTube has given me official artist verification; how many do I get? From now on, I will publish all my songs from my own verified YouTube channel “ Tanu Razz ” and also put my songs on all other international platforms including Spotify, iTunes, Apple, Amazon, Tidal, Deezer. And in the future, I think everyone will publish their songs in this way, I started from now on.
And now the country’s epidemic situation, it is not possible to work outside the home. If you want to work in a production company, you have to go there. So I think at this time YouTube, Spotify and iTunes and all the streaming apps are the best media to publish songs at home.”
“Lastly, many thanks to TikTok, YouTube and Spotify for verifying me as an artist to take my music live one step further. Everyone will pray for me so that I can stay healthy and give you more good songs. There was a lot of love and blessing.”
Tanu Razz does his digital marketing work mainly through Tanu Digital Media and Tanu Media partners. Tanu Digital Media worked as its musician. He is the owner of those 2 institutions.
He is the Owner and Ceo Of the “Tanu Digital Media”
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