At some point in our lives, many of us have lived lives full of hectic schedules, leaving us with no time for personal growth. This can lead to unhappiness in both our careers, and personal lives.
It is essential sometimes, to introspect what we want or need in life and make small but significant efforts to get nearer to achieving our higher selves and creating a better version of ourselves.
This is where international transformational spiritual leaders, healer, and visionaries like Juan Pablo Barahona, A.K.A. JuanPa, can help. JuanPa helps individuals realize that there is so much to the grind in life. He strives to help people reach what he calls a “natural state of bliss, happiness, abundance, and harmony.”
With founding JuanPa Global and Kawoq Conscious Living School, he has worked for the betterment of people, impacting their lives through his varied teachings. When asked how he does, he says, “By enabling people to realize their deepest potentials and step into their inner wisdom and infinite power.”
JuanPa’s teachings have inspired and profoundly impacted millions of people all across the globe at internationally recognized events and festivals like Awesomeness Fest, Bhakti Fest, Hanuman Festival, Wanderlust, Envision Festival, No Mind Festival, and MindValley Academy. Through these impactful in-person events JuanPa shares his profound knowledge and guides people into the deep experience of healing and evolution.
JuanPa has co-authored ‘The Abundance codes” with Regan Hillyer and together they empower the lives of many positively with spiritual healing, business training, and abundance coaching. He is trained in multiple disciplines of healing arts, which include Yoga, Chinese medicine, holistic nutrition, qigong, kinesiology, Tantric and Toltec philosophy, Reiki, sound healing, shamanism, and holistic therapies.
JuanPa is an exemplary example to the world how a person can change their life from self seeking and selfishness to dedication to serving others. He chooses a path that he believes leads others towards an enlightened life. His teen years were spent in depression and childhood traumas, which made him realize that he needed help. Juan Pa know early he had to find solutions, so he went to Italy to study in a spiritual community and dive into the self-help world.
Later, he spent several years in Costa Rica as a leader of a respected spiritual community. Through his experiences, things became clearer as to his life’s mission. JuanPa realized his purpose in life was to help people and lead them towards personal development, becoming certified in various healing arts and giving people an extraordinary healing experience through his knowledge that today spans across two decades.
His new program Burn Shred Rise is about helping people achieve optimum health and wellness and aligning the body, mind, emotions, and spirit to make people access their divine health, which he believes is their natural state.
Giving people their inner harmony, making them understand the importance of balancing their physical and mental wellness with holistic methods is what JuanPa believes sets his practice and teaching apart from others.
His transformative courses are available through live events and festivals as well as through online mediums with live workshops, digital courses, and private mentoring.
To get more inspired, visit his website
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