Founded in 2020, Teen Blurb is rapidly growing in the media industry and becoming known as a reliable source for covering the latest trends in culture, gaming, influencers, music and more. From breaking stories such as when Devin Caherly and Tatayanna Mitchell met up for the first time to breakouts in the gaming world, Teen Blurb has gained a strong reputation amongst the journalism world.
In a statement, a Teen Blurb representative said, “Our mission is to recognize notable figures around the globe and allow them to showcase their talent, influence and leadership.” In addition to covering news on their publication, Teen Blurb has also taken to Tik Tok to anchor the news there. With daily videos regarding influencer drama, culture-based news and the latest gaming outbreaks, Teen Blurb has a prominent stance in the growing influencer world.
Tik Tok has definitely allowed for unique creators of all different talents to leverage their platform for fun and sometimes even as a full time job. Teen Blurb is one of the only news sites to give these so-called “Tik Tokers” the time of day when it comes to covering their stories.
Mikaila Murphy, an influencer with over 8 million followers across her platform, (@mikailadancer) was one of the first creators I read about on Teen Blurb platform. She told us, “Teen Blurb is unique in that it covers influencers big and small.” She continued, “There’s no follower or “clout” limit to get featured, you simply just need to have a unique story to share. I think it’s especially important that Teen Blurb covers creators because the mainstream media hasn’t necessarily adapted to covering this new generation of influencers.”
Influencer Zack Fairhurst who has amassed a whopping 3.3 million followers across his @Maddzak Tik Tok account was recently interviewed by Teen Blurb. We reached out to Fairhurst to see if he had any comment on the growth of their platform. Zack told us “I think Teen Blurb is thriving in the influencer space because they are giving upcoming creators and influencers of all types an opportunity to share their story, while a majority of more mainstream sites stick to A-list celebrities.”
It’s evident that influencers and social media aren’t going anywhere. With kids watching YouTube and Tik Tok instead of television, it’s clear that influencers are the future of digital entertainment. If you’re interested in checking out Teen Blurb, you can head over to their publication or find them on all social media @TeenBlurb.
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