With roughly 70k students enrolled, Texas A&M is one of the largest colleges in the United States, and it has begun teaching its students about Bitcoin.
On January 12th, 2023 a Texas A&M Professor named Korok Ray made the announcement on Twitter. He said the new class will be called “The Bitcoin Protocol” and will be launching in the 2023 Spring semester. The class will be cross-listed at the College of Engineering and The Mays Business School. The course will follow the book called “Programming Bitcoin,” written by Jimmy Song, and will teach students how to create a Bitcoin library from scratch. Korok also said that it took months to get the class approved, but that the approval was important for the long game (based!)
I will be teaching the first ever Bitcoin class at Texas A&M this spring!
— Korok Ray (@KorokRay) January 12, 2023
Education Can Help With Mass Adoption
University-level crypto education can help mass crypto adoption by enabling students to understand the fundamentals of crypto and the technology behind it. This knowledge can give them an edge in using cryptocurrencies or investing in crypto projects. Furthermore, teaching about crypto at colleges helps to bring more attention to crypto from the general public and could lead to more people actually using crypto for daily transactions or investment purposes.
It might not seem like it to those who use it regularly, but crypto is still a relatively new technology, and teaching it at colleges could help to create more crypto experts, who can then spread knowledge about crypto amongst their peers or even the wider public. Educating students on crypto could also lead to increased innovation in the crypto space as students may come up with creative solutions to problems they encounter while learning about crypto.
Texas A&M University has taken the initiative to teach Bitcoin to its students, which is setting an example for other universities across the nation and around the world. This class will allow students to get hands-on experience with Bitcoin and learn how Bitcoin works in detail. It will also give them a better understanding of how digital currencies are created, used, stored, and exchanged. With this knowledge, students can go on to become Bitcoin experts and help the Bitcoin ecosystem grow.
More Crypto Classes
Several other Universities have added Bitcoin classes to their curricula. Some of the more recognizable schools with crypto curricula include the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard University, the National University of Singapore, Oxford University, Cornell University, and the University of California Berkley. These are big-name schools, which means wealthy people are interested in crypto which could be a good sign.
Final Thoughts
Overall, Bitcoin is getting more recognition as a mainstream asset class and universities are now starting to educate their students about Bitcoin. With many universities now offering Bitcoin classes, it’s only a matter of time before Bitcoin becomes an accepted form of payment at universities, similar to how Texas A&M now accepts donations in Bitcoin. This could help increase Bitcoin adoption and give Bitcoin the boost it needs to become a mainstream form of currency.
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