Breaking from the norm to become extraordinary among your peers can be quite difficult, but I’ve discovered that it’s not mostly based on lack of resources or support.
It usually has to do with making instant decisions, seizing the moment and doing it afraid anyway. This timely advice (a slogan by Nike) is one I’ve always relied on when I’m caught in a dilemma. Not all advice is good advice, and if we’re to be honest, people are really tired of the conventional tips and cliché advice that have already gone out of vogue. Besides, not all inspirational/motivational talks have the capability to drive us towards doing something.
Especially if you are like me, I’m very selective when it comes to what I believe and eventually act upon. It is these things that we believe and digest then act upon that shape our results mostly. But some advice is just unique, unconventional, and priceless, and the impact it has may turn out to be a lifelong one, one that remains valid and useful for several generations.
A great example of such is Nike’s “Just Do It” slogan. There’s absolutely something about that phrase. Ever since Nike came out with that slogan years ago, many lives have never been the same again. It literally changed the way people did things and it helped shape more people to swiftly take action rather than just having sweet talks and ordinarily fantasizing about something they could have taken instant action on.
A revolution began, and ever since then, more people have learned to own 100 percent of the results they get simply by taking that one action that’ll qualify them for the next phase in their lives. Some time ago, my friend asked a question on LinkedIn, and it made me go back in time, reflecting on how I used to live my life and how it negatively affected my productivity, actions, goals, and overall results rather than positively boosting it.
The question he asked was “What would you tell your teenage self?” This is quite similar to the question “What advice would you give your teenage self?” (I can’t remember if it was Brian Tracy that asked this one).
Quite simple but very deep, worth reading over and over again. You’ll need a moment to reflect on your past and figure out the things that didn’t quite profit you so much or the things that actually did. This way, you can tell your imaginary teenage self, standing or sitting by you, the most compelling things you’d have wished someone had told you before. It is going to be indeed a sincere moment with yourself.
For me, it would be “to quit talking and start doing”. I used to have a hard time taking action. I’d usually talk tough but never do.
Mostly because I’ll think myself into a state of self-doubt, I’ll make myself believe I couldn’t do it. While people would probably be expecting an action or result as a follow up for what I’d already boasted of, I would have buried it long before then.
Not everyone might like the Nike brand, but we can’t deny that the slogan sure has a positive vibe. The idea behind the slogan, “just do it,” is to allow people to reaffirm their ability to do anything and conquer any situation, it is so powerful that it helps you take action and confront your fears.
Fear is the number one hold back for many, making many people relent and shrink into their shell. I believe it is more than just a mere slogan; it’s a piece of advice (that stands out to be a great one) and one that propels you to develop a strong willpower to want to finally succeed.
If you noticed above, I used the word (finally succeed) intentionally, because if fear is allowed, it has the power of incapacitating you. But, if you finally make up your mind to let go of it, you can set off and attain any height imaginable.
So, who does this speak to?
It speaks to both young and old, women and men who want to own the results they get a 100 percent of the time. It is for anyone who is ready to take on those challenges that seem unbeatable, it’s for anyone willing to break free from the norm to become a nonconformist.
It is for you reading this article with the intention of becoming nothing less than you ought to be in life. It is for as many who want to embrace the bigger challenges that envelope what they aim to accomplish.
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