The Newest Influential Voice in Food

Award-winning celebrated chef and lifelong New Yorker, Vincent Tropepe is by no means “new” to the restaurant and food industry, but with his new appointment as Senior Food Writer and Editor in Chief of food authority website for the United States, it is clear that he will be influential on how chefs cook, how diners dine, and how the country’s perspective on all things food-related are viewed.

Chef Tropepe’s professional career started in 2002, as the understudy to critically acclaimed French chef Alain Duccase at his self-named restaurant, Alaine at The Essex House. That once-in-a-lifetime opportunity instilled “the discipline, techniques, and thoughtfulness” Tropepe said that continues to propel him. After his time at The Essex House, Tropepe held positions at the famed Rainbow Room, The 21 Club, Sardi’s, One If By Land Two If By Sea, and SD26 to name a few. He also broke cultural barriers when he took a position at the most notorious Chinese restaurant in New York City: Mr. K’s.

Chef Tropepe has also an impressive list of A-list principals that he has cooked for. Al Pacino, Robin Williams, Luciano Pavarotti, Joan Rivers, Michael Jackson, and Jennifer Lopez are just a shortlist of high profile people who dined on his creations, but the most notable is when he served as per diem executive chef for domestic flights on Air Force One to Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama in a total of fourteen flights.

In 2016, Main Entrée Publishing published his culinary memoir and cookbook titled In My Whites: A Matter of Culinary Perspective. Upon its release the National Culinary Hall of Famer made 54 appearances in 17 weeks, covering more than a dozen states and selling nearly thirty thousand copies.

It is clear that Chef Tropepe’s strong career has led him to this point that allows him to have a voice outside of the kitchen. “With any high position in any type of business, those positions come with responsibility,” Tropepe said. To date, Chef Tropepe has already craftily written and published a number of investigative type articles that have captured thousands of readers. Where’s Fido? How Kim Jung Un Is Solving North Korea’s Meat Shortage released on August 19; Can China Strike Again? Is America’s Food Supply Vulnerable? released September 8; and The Truth About the Impossible Whopper released October 8 are three examples of how the chef is far from shy on addressing news-related stories that can affect the United States. His no-nonsense, balanced approach to cooking and restaurant operations have reached his keyboard as his writing lays the facts out, allowing the reader to make their own decision on the topic of the article. As comprehensive as he is, Tropepe makes a clear case time and time again. “What I write and how I write is based on the same common denominator: truth. It is not my job to convince the reader one way or another, but it is my responsibility to lay out both sides of a story equally,” Tropepe said.

“Far too often these days, journalists plaque their own writing with their personal beliefs. That’s not what journalism is,” Tropepe said. “I read a lot of different types of material and see many things on social media as well. People today have this hunger to want to be seen and want to be heard, which is fine, but with that being said, it causes a lot of white noise. Content of substance is far more valuable to everyone.”

“Come the New Year, I am excited to add new types of stories and categories to the website like Small Business Owner Profiles, Chef Profiles, and a cookbook review section to name a few,” Tropepe said.

No matter if you are a chef, cook, restaurant owner, foodie, food activist, or any other category you may place yourself in, Chef Tropepe allows all of us to be the beneficiary of thousands of hours of cooking, years of a variety of cooking experiences, and an unparalleled endless well of ethnic cuisines and techniques that uniquely qualified him for this new position he holds and the positive and creative influence he will bring in the wide variety of articles he offers.

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