The Zab Twins: Helping Entrepreneurs Reach Their Full Potential

The Zab Twins

Being an entrepreneur seems like a dream out of reach for many. However, brothers Brian and Arek Zabrierek had enough of their unfulfilling 9-5 jobs and decided it was time for a change. As they expanded their horizons and pursued their passions, they started a successful start-up using the Amazon FBA model grossing over $1 million dollars in sales.

After recognizing the opportunities that the Amazon FBA model can give start ups, the Zabierek brothers decided to launch another start up, The Zab Twins, with the mission of teaching other young entrepreneurs how to level up their business by teaching them the Fulfilled by Amazon program (FBA) and created a course designed to teach the sales and logistics needed to succeed.

Shortly after starting “The Zab Twins”, they began offering an arrangement of services, including one on one coaching, virtual assistant hiring, implementation and scaling, and more! Originally teaching a 12 week boot camp on the Amazon FBA model.

The Zab Twins gathered feedback and started a new program, “The FBA Start Up” in May of 2021. “The FBA Start Up” is designed to provide the same information as the old program, but in a way that keeps their students more engaged, offers more flexibility and prevents what the Zab Twins call, ‘information overload’

The Zab Twins have taken years of experience to create a program for aspiring business owners that holds them accountable and provides them with a community of other mentors, entrepreneurs and individuals that can help their students in reaching their full potential, and hopefully, give them more confidence in building their own start-up. The Zab Twins goal is to, “bring a fresh take to online coaching, providing holistic

educational programs that don’t just rely on generic growth tactics, but also address the underlying psychology of the entrepreneur itself,” says Arek Zabierek. To date, they have coached more than 200 entrepreneurs through their program and are on track to do over $1.5 million dollars in sales this year.

The Zab Twins recognize the possibilities for aspiring business owners, and the opportunities that start-ups give entrepreneurs. Given these entrepreneurs the resources they need, while limiting the information that will cause this sense of “paralysis by analysis” will help these individuals launch a successful business.

The Zab Twins hope to motivate, teach and support aspiring entrepreneurs in achieving their goals in the business world. To hear more from The Zab Twins, you can also listen to their podcast “The Young Start Up” on Apple and Spotify for more information on entrepreneurship and Amazon FBA.

Learn more about them and their success story here:

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