Yet one meditation coach, Veronica Moya, and spiritual guide believes that young kids and teens need the same level of guidance. Today, she’s on a mission to change the coaching landscape by starting clients early.
Veronica is an intuitive coach, spiritual healer, and book author. She owns and operates her coaching practice, focusing mainly on training the mind and spirit toward self-awareness and personal growth. Majority of the coaching company’s mentoring programs focus on training and mentoring kids. The rationale is quite simple yet powerful. While adults spend most of their life struggling to find their true selves and align with a purpose because of the preconceived notions and judgments, kids are more malleable. Veronica Moya has dedicated her life’s work toward teaching and training kids in the unconventional ways of meditation and self-discovery with this epiphany.
“I realized that it was imperative to share my knowledge with a younger generation,” shares Veronica. “If children could learn about self-love and self-reliance at a young age, they would be less likely to create harmful patterns in their lives. This is why I decided to work with a group of people that I could actually help and make a difference.”
The intuitive coaching company from New York City started offering intuition and self-knowledge classes in 2011. Since then, Veronica has expanded her company’s scope and gathered a rich bank of insights that help people discover true happiness, joy, peace, and purpose in life. Apart from being a proprietor of her coaching business, Veronica Moya was also a faculty member of the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies in Rhinebeck, NY, the Edgar Cayce Center, and Namaste Healing Center in New York City. She focuses on teaching people meditation principles and practices that help one find true purpose.
Veronica Moya has a strong sense of intuition. She has used that gift to start and grow successful businesses, build a strong brand, and win in life as a whole. Today, Veronica wants to pass that baton to the next generation by helping the younger generation. Veronica Moya’s one-on-one and group coaching programs help young people build their competitive advantage and get ahead in life by discovering their true calling, developing emotional intelligence, and polishing their relationships.
While most people who work with kids try to “calm them down,” the intuitive coaching practice for kids takes a different approach. Acknowledging that kids naturally have more energy and excitement in them, she embraces their wiring and creates a dynamic and interactive atmosphere. “This approach results in assertive individuals who enjoy a renewed confidence and sense of self,” explains Veronica. “I teach meditation as an energizer, not as a calming mechanism.”
Through the years, Veronica Moya and her company’s work in intuition coaching with people has caught the public’s attention. The coach and her practice have appeared in E Entertainment, Cosmopolitan Magazine, and New Realities, to name a few.
The coaching practice continues to work with kids, helping them become successful, fulfilled, and happy by teaching them meditation exercises and proper mindsets for growth. Currently, the coaching company is also launching a podcast called The Intuitive Mind with Veronica Moya.
Company: Veronica Moya
Phone number: 917-300-3034
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