Meet the Moroccan gem creating ripples in the Instagram Influencer community and the Modelling industry with his excellent persona. Mr. Youssef Chreiba, a Fashion blogger who hails from Mohammedia, Morocco, is a trendsetter on the dapper street. Coming from the land of Maghreb, Youssef’s education had in infographics, design, and programming as primary areas of interest. He has been the ambassador for many worldly brands, such as- James Polo, Lord Timepieces, SLVR & Co, Oliver Luxe, Luxury Wristwear, and MAX RENE Denmark. He has also been the face of promotion for brands like Bisilio and Willy Thomas. His most recent launch of a line of products was stunning fashion filter masks, which created a great buzz over social media. He partnered with the famous artist Mr. Hicham Benslimane for this project. They worked together closely to design this ingenious fashion filter mask for Covid protection. It has been a turning point for Mr. Chreiba, and social media has already started rewarding him with its blessings.
Mr. Chreiba is a brilliant fashion blogger and is known for this unique creativity in creating filters. A graduate from University Hassan II, Mr. Chreiba is unbeatable when it comes to setting new trends in the fashion industry. His associate in this undertaking, Mr. Hicham Benslimane, is a well-recognized pioneer in the fashion industry. And, he has played a very crucial role in the success of this project. For people who don’t know, Hicham also is a native of Morocco and is a very learned celebrity couturier and fashion designer. They came together to develop a stunning fashion mask filter during this pandemic. This very fashionable mask was designed with utmost dedication and is all set to elevate your looks on the go. Generally, fashion products are of an aesthetic characteristic rather than utility. This product, on the contrary, stands out in terms of being purposeful and being fashionable altogether.
Youssef says,” There is no restriction imposed on an individual to see a dream. A dream can be for the family. A dream, can be for friends. A dream, can be for love. A dream, can be for the needy. A dream, can be for himself. A dream, can be seen by someone, for someone. No matter what. No one has restrictions to visualize a dream, then why do we restrict ourselves to work to achieve them?” Wow! The philosophical soul that runs in him is wise and just. We can effectively say that the future is bright for this young man from the Kindom of the West. We certainly know that the future holds a lot of possibilities for this chic fashion creator. We’d love to interact with Mr. Chreiba again in the future, for he is but a very knowledgeable person.
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