1Core Learn@Home Offers Safety and Education First for ECE Providers

In a 2013 article from the New York Times, James Heckman, an economist and co-recipient of the 2000 Nobel Prize for economics, addressed the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce and Industry, where he criticized the United States’ approach to education. Heckman cited other countries moving eons ahead of the U.S. and blamed our demise on not giving more funding or placing more emphasis on early childhood education.

1Core Solution understands Heckman’s mission. They know how critical the skills taught in ECE programs are to the overall development and education of children ages birth to five. They also understand that children can’t stop the process of learning, even in the throes of a pandemic.

Therefore, they developed 1Core Learn@Home, a virtual education program that works for full-time, part-time, or hybrid remote schedules. 1Core Learn@Home helps daycare facilities and preschools navigate COVID-19 as the only virtual learning solution designed for early childhood education.

1Core Learn@Home has tackled the difficult task of creating a system designed to handle all of the details of a virtual learning program any ECE facility can use. Their approach is not only simple for teachers, students, and parents, but it can also be set up in one day. What’s more, 1Core Learn@Home can work in conjunction with any core curriculum management system your facility might already be using.

1Core Solution has been specializing in childcare center software for more than 15 years. With recent events keeping students at home, they knew they had to make a shift. 1Core Learn@Home is a virtual solution to keeping preschools and daycares open and offering the same quality education as in-person instruction.

Easing Parents’ Fears

The possibility of their children contracting COVID-19 is a scary thought for most parents. Therefore, many have had to make the difficult decision to keep their children home from school, even though some facilities have been open at a lesser capacity. 1Core Learn@Home was designed for these parents.

With 1Core Learn@Home’s flexibility of full-time, part-time, or hybrid schedules, parents can choose the perfect plan for them. This flexibility has allowed some preschools and daycares to keep their enrollment during the pandemic, and some have seen an increase in numbers.

Variety, Flexibility, and Ease

With multiple subscription packages to choose from, schools can offer a variety of choices for families. Schools set up various classrooms by age and invite parents to register and pay online. A web portal is created during the registration process that serves as a login for every time the child has class.

The ease and flexibility is not just for parents. School administrators and teachers will find 1Core Learn@Home easy and efficient as well. 1Core Learn@Home works with any student management system and can be set up in one day. In fact, teachers and administrators can even begin using the program that same day.

Administrators can easily organize class schedules, assign teachers, and automatically set up virtual class meeting invites. Teachers can see who has joined and for how long and record all classes for record-keeping. And all courses can be conducted from inside your own center’s platform.

A Final Word

Knowing the importance of early childhood education, 1Core Solution has created a solution for the times. Preschools and daycare centers can now offer quality virtual instruction that is easy for everyone to use.


Don’t miss a single day of crucial, ECE instruction at your center. Check out 1Cord Learn@Home and keep your preschool or daycare thriving, your students safe, and your parents at ease.

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