Amazing Examples of AI-Generated Short Films

Recently, AI-generated movies and short films have significantly improved, demonstrating an impressive fusion of creativity and technical expertise that was unimaginable just a few months ago.

With lightning-fast advancements in AI, creators are telling stories that captivate and resonate on a deep, emotional level using nothing but AI tools.

In this exciting time, several AI-generated short films have caught my attention. I’ve watched them on repeat and become inspired to make my own short stories.

Let’s take a closer look at these amazing short films and creators. Also, please follow and check out their Twitter pages – you won’t be disappointed!


Created by Carlos Norgaard, YETI LIFE UNCHAINED is a masterpiece. The aesthetic alone is brilliant. In my opinion, this is exactly what AI-generated video should look like. I’ve watched this at least ten times and gained something new each time. This film makes it easy to be drawn into the character, a testament to excellent storytelling. You can imagine yourself as Yeti, going through his trials and tribulations, while experiencing life’s disappointments. It feels as if we are all Yeti. This short film does a great job of combining killer visuals, storytelling, and emotional elements.

Be sure to watch out for the Yeet Tumbler at a store near you, lol. I can’t recommend this film enough. Please check it out.

Bigfoot is mentioned in Life Unchained, and it made me realize that Bigfoot also needed his story told, so that is what I did:

Gen AI Mon

Created by Steve Mills, GenAIMon (Generative AI Monsters) are the coolest monsters I’ve seen in a long time. The first thing I noticed was the aesthetic of the monsters. I’d describe it as modern high-fantasy combined with horror film visual effects and a retro vibe. While this video might not be a fully fleshed-out story (yet), the viewer can see the potential of where GenAIMon could go. I think Steve does a great job in his accompanying Tweet, stating that kids can easily create thousands of GenAIMons in the future. The mind runs wild thinking about the possibilities. Who knows, maybe kids will soon be generating and trading GenAIMons like they’re baseball cards.

I was also inspired by GenAIMon and had to give my own version a shot:

1950’s Simpsons

Created by demonflyingfox, the 1950s Simpsons is unbelievable. I can’t imagine how much time and how many iterations went into perfecting these visuals. Each character is different enough, yet similar enough, to be instantly recognizable, even without the hilarious narration. Right out of the gate, we’re greeted by Homer. You can see the effects of too many Duff beers at Moe’s. Next up is a completely spaced-out Marge – possibly the victim of suburban over-medication. I think you get the gist; enough reimagination to make the characters transfer over into the real world while maintaining their cartoon origins. Simply brilliant.

Final Thoughts

Hollywood is in trouble and they know it. That’s probably why they got first access to Sora.

The creators mentioned in this article, and many more like them, are the future of storytelling and creativity. Perhaps they always were, but the tools didn’t exist to bring their ideas to the surface. I can’t wait to watch, laugh, and feel the emotions of so many short stories and full films of the future.


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