If you’re new to real estate, you’ve probably heard the term “equity” at some point. This popular phrase is used quite often when referring to the value of homes or other property, and building equity […]

If you’re new to real estate, you’ve probably heard the term “equity” at some point. This popular phrase is used quite often when referring to the value of homes or other property, and building equity […]
Technology has pretty much revolutionized every industry on the face of the planet, and real estate is no exception. There are dozens of emerging technologies that can help change the face of the real estate […]
Being able to effectively read the real estate market can save you from making some pretty egregious choices when it comes to making a purchase. Keeping an eye on the trends, interest rates, and knowing […]
Investing in real estate can be a new and exciting venture, but it doesn’t come without challenges or setbacks. By setting goals, you’ll give yourself something to strive for, rather than simply throwing money at […]
Instagram has become one of the most widely-used social media platforms on the planet. Since its launch in 2010, the platform has grown exponentially, attracting both personal users and businesses from all over the world. […]
By the age of 30, Jared Polites gained experience spanning multiple countries and job titles. These range from being an intelligence analyst with the FBI to working in Southeast Asia and obtaining a master’s degree […]
With summer coming to a close and another school year beginning, we can’t help but focus our attention back on the EdTech space. This niche industry has been booming in the last year, with major […]
The CBD industry is one of the nation’s newest booming markets; with an unprecedented 700% growth since last year, the industry is reaching for the skies and beyond. With providers like PureKana in the industry, […]
The CBD industry is booming right now; with startups springing up all over the country, the recent removal of hemp from the Controlled Substance Act’s definition of a Schedule I drug has made the growth, […]
Considering how fast the CBD industry grew and the number of products available for purchase, it’s no surprise that finding the best products can be difficult. Companies boast about their product’s quality as well as […]
When it comes to our pets, we only want them to have the best. Although CBD-based products are now available for pets, pet owners are often limited to infusing their dog’s meals with tinctures and […]
Since the days of Web 1.0, social media has grown in tandem with internet communications technology. According to market-research and business-intelligence specialists Statista, worldwide social network users grew from 0.97 billion in 2010 to 2.46 billion […]