How does one go from working in the sports industry with some of the top teams and professional athletes to Hollywood working with the biggest stars and studios? Brad R Lambert did just that. “I’m a passion-driven guy. I want to live life around the things I love, so I add whatever value I can around them to make them a bigger part of my life.” Lambert has had a strong drive and work-ethic his entire life, which got him into the sports industry early, when he was still in high school. After almost a decade in the sports industry working with professional athletes, teams, brands and agencies, Brad traveled out west to pursue his other passion, entertainment. He hit the ground running with Robert Downey Jr., then spent the next 2 years at Warner Bros., managing their digital marketing campaigns for TV, Film and Catalog titles, being part of 3 CLIO Award winning campaigns during his tenure. The last 3 years he’s been producing everything from film/TV projects to content for brands/studios, managing talent, consulting with companies and speaking all over the world.
Prominent collaboration partners: Walt Disney Studios, Robert Downey Jr., Marvel Studios, Warner Bros. Pictures, Sony Pictures, Universal Pictures, Gary Vaynerchuk, Chris Hemsworth, The Russo Brothers, The Pittsburgh Steelers and more.
“At the end of the day, I’m just trying to live my dream and help others do the same.”
Let’s Talk About Failure…
Throughout his journey Lambert learned that the “easy” path isn’t always the right path. “We have one life to live, why settle at any capacity? Why not give this life everything you’ve got and chase what lights your soul on fire?” He has certainly chosen the difficult path the majority of his life and has no regrets; “I wouldn’t have done things any different.” Although, on this path Brad has experienced more “failure”, setbacks and lessons than he could even count but he’s grateful for each and every one of them. “I am who I am today because of those experiences, lessons, setbacks and “failures” and I know they’ve made me a better person and a better professional.” Lambert believes that if you don’t challenge yourself, you will never know what you’re truly capable of and you won’t grow either. “With every challenge you overcome, you build confidence in yourself and in your abilities. Having said that, I look at failure a bit differently…I either win or I learn.” Brad ends this note by including “Failing is inevitable, but how you deal with that failure is 100% on you.”
Winning Together
Brad knows that he wouldn’t be who he is or where he is if it weren’t for the help of other people. He is adamant that nobody gets anywhere by themselves and believes it’s important to show gratitude and appreciation for the people who helped get you to where you are; friends, family, co-workers, etc. “Good people are hard to come by these days, so if you’re lucky enough to have some in your life, don’t take them for granted.” Lambert is driven by paying it forward and helping people whenever, wherever he can. “If you have the opportunity to do something nice for someone else, why wouldn’t you do it? Not everything has to be a transaction and that “helping hand” you extend to someone, could change their life…so where’s the hesitation?” Brad leads with kindness and value, he wants others to succeed and wants people to feel seen and heard. Lambert mentions that the industry has become so cut-throat and nasty that empathy and kindness have gotten lost in the chaos, so he is doing whatever he can to bring these back into the fold. “Not only are these acts of kindness and generosity so important for your own happiness and well-being, but they also impact your reputation, relationships and career so much.” He then adds, “We can all make a difference in this world, IF we care enough to do so.”
Maximize Your Time
There are 178 hours in a week and Lambert believes in maximizing each and every one of them. “There’s always room to grow and get better, we just have to take the time to do so.” He suggests that if you’re not where you want to be in life, then you should look at how you’re allocating the hours in your day. “The decisions you make early on truly impact what happens later. So if you’re making those “tough” decisions now, to put in extra work, read more etc., it will pay off greatly down the line. That’s how you separate yourself from the competition.” Brad comments that you do have to take time for yourself though, as you can’t allow yourself to get sick or mentally drained – So he enjoys watching movies/TV shows, gaming and working out.
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