Clean Vision Addresses the Issue of Plastic Waste in the Oceans

As more plastic waste pollutes the world’s oceans, companies are exploring alternative uses for it and ways to avoid it being in the water at all. The sustainable energy sector, as a result, is growing, and one company that is working to advance the clean energy sector is Clean Vision Corporation, a leader in the hydrogen market. Their subsidiary Clean-Seas Inc. supports emerging ventures in the green economy.

The company has been uplisted to OTCQB and aims to leave the commercial and environmental ecosystem better than they found it. Its CEO Dan Bates and his team believe that addressing greenhouse gas emissions and grappling with the world’s waste plastic challenges is important for our future.

Clean Vision believes that the hydrogen market is ready for serious leadership in the industry and that its AquaHTM product brings value to the sector. AquaH is hydrogen produced from a waste stream, in this case, mixed plastic waste. The company calls it AquaH because it falls between green hydrogen, produced using electrolysis driven from renewable resources, and blue hydrogen, derived from fossil fuel. 

AquaH, Clean Vision continues, comes from a waste stream, which it considers to be even more abundant than a renewable like wind or solar power. The amount of plastic available as feedstock is limitless, unlike wind power, which only works when the wind is blowing, or solar power, which works when the sun is shining. 

The company acknowledges this reality and is excited about its pilot plant in Hyderabad. A pilot plant in Hyderabad intends to showcase technology and make it available for other markets to come and visit. It doesn’t see the need for multiple pilots in various locations. It will extensively process various waste streams and critical data analysis on those streams. 

Clean Vision explains that it will then make the data available to any potential customer. Should the customer require a pilot, the company will make itself available case-by-case if the customer has the resources available. Clean Vision intends to use the hardware being installed in India as the only pilot it will undertake. That location will serve as a sufficient demonstration of how capable the technology is for multiple markets.

Regarding opportunities for the pyrolysis technology from Clean-Seas Inc., Clean Vision says that the plastic pollution problem is not confined to a region. Instead, the crisis is a global one. There isn’t a country in this world that is not affected by the enormity of the waste plastic problem. That said, the company expects that deploying pyrolysis units either as standalone installations or as part of its Plastic Conversion Network (PCN) will find great acceptance globally.

As a part of Clean Vision’s initiative in India, it will be deploying fuel cells to standalone locations required by government mandate to reduce their draw from the grid by more than 30%. As a result, it anticipates having fuel cells in the Indian market sometime in Q3 2022.

Clean Vision adds that as PCN gets to scale, it will choose to produce hydrogen if it has sufficient off-take agreements or produces low-sulfur fuels that have global appeal. The company will make the decision around these verticals at the appropriate time and as it scales the PCN.

As climate crisis mitigation is on the minds of many people, Clean Vision believes that there has never been more interest in renewable energy and sustainable technologies. According to the company, the world must combat the climate crisis using technologies and solutions from a myriad of companies. Clean Vision expects that it and its portfolio of cleantech and sustainably-minded technologies and solutions will find a successful niche in this marketplace.

Clean Vision states that the clean energy sector can grow as the global demand for solutions expands. Adding jobs in the industry, building out leading-edge solutions, and making a difference in the ecosystem are part of where it expects to be able to flex its muscle. Clean Vision ultimately believes that pyrolysis technology and the global Plastic Conversion Network will impact waste plastic in the future.

For more information about Clean Vision, please visit:






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