Edward Cerda’s Incredible Social Media Strategies and Techniques to Grow People and Businesses.

The world has changed over the years with several developments across industries and businesses. These changes and developments have been a result of the many technological advancements that people have welcomed with open arms so far.

Edward Cerda, who happens to be a young talent in the world of digital, explains that being on social media today is the need of the hour and how people, brands, and businesses can leverage its power to reach their definition of success the way they want.

Born in 1992 in the East Bay area and having an interest in all things creative, he decided to be a part of the business side of the social media world and now has been rising high as a social media marketing professional, helping his clients’ accounts grow through organic engagement.

He today has come forward to talk about social media marketing and its key players. Edward Cerda, who initially served in the US military for four years and now is a part of the online world, mentions that social media marketing (SMM) is all about optimizing social media and its networks to market a brand/company’s products and services.

“Social media marketing allows people and companies to engage with their existing customers and also reach newer ones while allowing them to promote their mission, brand voice, and desired culture,” says Cerda. He lays out below the key pillars of social media marketing –

  • Listen and engage: Edward Cerda explains that it is essential to closely listen to what customers and others are saying about their products, services, or the brand as a whole. Monitoring the same can help them take steps in social media marketing to engage with them well.
  • Reports of engagement: After creating content, it is also essential to see how far the posts reach and how well they have engaged with the audiences. Hence, analytics and reporting play an important role, says Edward Cerda.
  • Right strategies: It is essential to layout a proper strategy to define the goals of the brand/business and understand what social media channels can be used and the type of content that can be created to squeeze out the maximum results.

“Apart from these points given above, I believe that people must also focus on planning and publishing, where they must draft plans of what their content should be like and also decide on when to post them on which platforms. Also, purchasing ads on social media is a great way for promoting and developing a brand or image,” says the young professional who can grow 10K to 100K through his huge network.

If you wish to see the magical results he provides people with social media marketing, follow him on Instagram @_.80  to know more.

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