How Dr. Gregory Canillas Is Changing the Way People See Therapy

Therapy is something that may be daunting to people who have never considered it before. Some believe that it’s only a solution to a circumstance or situation that has reached breaking point. But, crucially, there are no rules about why or when someone seeks therapy. Even if someone struggles in a situation everyone has to go through, it does not make their struggle invalid.

Dr. Gregory Canillas is the President and CEO of Soul2Soul Global, a mission-driven company that provides couple and parent retreats, as well as coaching. Dr. Canillas’ clinical and research work has focused on many minority groups, including LGBTQ clients, and also specializes in relationship issues, children/adolescents, families and ethnic minority mental health. 

His experience in the field of psychology is extensive, also serving on the American Psychological Association’s Joint Task Force, to revise the guidelines for professional practice for sexual minority clients. He’s also worked with various mental health practices, overseeing child and adult therapy programmes, as well as serving as the co-chair on the commission for youth and families in Long Beach, California, where he worked extensively on developing services in this area.

Through Soul2Soul Global, the mission is to create healthier relationships through transformative couple and parent retreats. The business envisions a day when “healthier outcomes for children, couples, and families are the norm.” It adds, “We envision a day when people seek to acknowledge and break generational patterns. We envision a day when people relish in having more open, honest, validating and fulfilling relationships.”

By offering practical retreats, this modern concept of therapy is far less daunting to people who may have never even considered it before. Sometimes struggles don’t exist in isolation within one person, but manifests itself as a rift between a couple. Dr. Callinas explains, “I value human connection and recognize its importance in creating happy, fulfilling relationships. I understand first hand some of the challenges and opportunities for growth that come with romantic and familial relationships.”

He adds, “Through my work and lived experience, I have gained knowledge about myself and my relationship with others. I have a deep knowledge of people, their pain points and the factors that contribute to growth and transformation. I use my experience with individuals, couples and families to help people to co-create more satisfying relationships.”

Offering this specialized kind of therapy, his retreats are useful in helping identify “pain points” for couples that may arise later in the relationship. The workshops help address common areas that create conflict, such as finances and communication, and helps couples reduce these factors and bring out more joy. 

By offering therapy in a relaxed, supportive, and inclusive environment, Dr. Canillas is subverting the norms of what relationship therapy looks like.

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