A wise man once said: ‘You are the architect of your life.’ There are no shortcuts to achieving success and the only formula that can guarantee success is dedication and hard work.
Jason Jouan, an entrepreneur from London, UK is the prime example of what success looks like. Born in December 1994, Jason was an ordinary child with extraordinary life goals. He always wanted to do something great and build a legacy of his own.
Jason Jouan has studied Business Finance in London and it was during his time at University that he started gaining interest in the world of real estate and property development. Jason worked 12 hour shifts just to be able to afford the repayment of his education loans and other debts.
He struggled to make the ends meet but was determined to complete college and find a well-paying job. Shortly after his Bachelor’s degree, Jason Jouan started working at a reputed Fortune 500 company. He was also given a scholarship for further studies from his company and became a Financial Analyst for the S&P 500.
Jason says “I was on a good pay and had a steady career path set in the company as they believed in me but I saw the potential and other side in property and took the plunge!”
By the time he turned 26, Jason had built up an impressive portfolio of properties that brought in regular passive income.
This was also the time when all the people that doubted his decision of quitting his well-paying job to venture into real estate started to appreciate his hard work and passion. Today, he is regarded as one of the finest property investors and published property developers in the United Kingdom.
Jason Jouan is making more than 3 times his previous wage in passive income through his property investments than what he used to earn at his job at the Fortune 500 firm. He plans to expand his portfolio of properties and continue investing in properties that guarantee high returns on investment.
His journey as a published property entrepreneur and influencer is documented on his official Instagram account @Jason Jouan.
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