A personal brand is all about defining who that person is and what they stand for. It’s about turning a personality into an asset—because people can give their trust to deliver on a brand’s promises. And when people trust a brand, they’ll want to work with the brand—and pay for it.
A good personal brand will help you feel more confident and lead to more opportunities; it takes consistency, content and engagement. Get ready to walk step by step through the process that Boost Media used to build a brand from 0 followers to 10,000 monthly visitors in under a year.
1. Foundation phase without shortcuts
Before we get into all the fun stuff, let’s start with the basics. Don’t worry about coming up with an entire persona overnight—that will come later on down the line. For now just focus on one thing: find one thing about a distinct personality that sets a person apart from everyone else around.
2. Targeting: Pick the right audience
Figure out who the audience is going to be—and make sure that they’re really interested in what you have to offer. It’s important to pick an audience that you actually want to reach, not just a random group of people who could potentially buy your product or service.
This will help guide the type of content and tone of voice in which a brand speaks with them.
3. Create a bleeding-edge offer
Dominate prospects when the offer speaks directly to this audience’s needs and desires—and then deliver it. This means identifying a gap in the market and filling it in such a way that it will attract tons of interest from a target audience.
4. Pulling off content creation
Content creation and curation is where the bulk of time will be spent. There is a need to create content that’s valuable to an audience, but also makes them want to connect with a brand. Examples include: blog posts, videos, photos, etc. If a brand is not sure which type of content will work best,try posting different types of media on each platform and see what gets more engagement.
5. Making a brand visible
Visibility strategies are all about making sure to get seen by the right people, in the right places, at the right time. Visibility can be achieved in many different ways but perhaps the most effective way is through social media marketing campaigns. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter allow users to create profiles that showcase everything from photos of their products or services to information about who they are as individuals. And to get the optimum results, click here to get started on how to craft a strategy to make a brand visible.
6. Don’t pay for friendships, build it
Finally, make sure that there’s a clear strategy behind all of this—it’s not just about creating great content; it’s also about how often people see it and how they interact with it (having community-building tools like Slack or Discord can be very helpful).
There are a lot of ways to define a brand. But at its core, it’s all about making sure that when someone thinks of what a brand wants to perceive through interests, experiences, and most importantly values.
Are you trying to build a personal brand but not sure where to start?
Then reach out to Boost Media Agency, and we can help you get started with your personal branding efforts.
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