Jailbreaking – isn’t it something that makes you imagine someone breaking free from jail? Something similar to The Shawshank Redemption, maybe? Before you think of anything else, jailbreaking relates to mobile phones and tablets, specifically Apple iPhones and iPads. It allows you to customize your Apple device pretty much the same way as an Android user. But you had no idea about it because most Apple device users don’t know about jailbreaking. And, Rishabh Shanbhag, an iOS jailbreaking expert, connects with us to tell us more about it.
Rishabh started jailbreaking when he was just 13. He was always curious about Apple’s mobile ecosystem and wanted to modify its operating system. A lot of research went into how he could bypass Apple’s strict restrictions. Finally, he used a jailbreak technique that allowed him to customize his iOS device any way he wanted to. Before exploring his story, Rishabh wants everyone to know what jailbreaking can help you achieve with iOS.
The sky’s the limit with iOS jailbreaking
Most Apple device users complain that it doesn’t provide the flexibility of setting themes that Android devices offer. Rishabh’s jailbreaking tricks prove that it’s a myth. If you like the new iOS 8.3 emojis, you have no idea where they came from. With jailbreak, you can apply custom themes to your iOS device. It allows you to add impressive Control Center features, some of which you may not even imagine exists. You can add tons of shortcuts to your system settings and install programs not certified by Apple or available in the Apple Store.
Most of the features you see in iOS 8 came due to the jailbreaking community’s revelations, and Rishabh was one of the members. You will be surprised to know that most of the features you use in an Apple device today were already in use in the jailbreaking community. Rishabh and other jailbreakers are always two steps ahead of others and even the Apple software team.
Rishabh’s fan-following
Rishabh is pretty much a celebrity now. Although he is only 24, Rishabh already has amassed more than 50,000 Twitter followers. Naturally, most of his followers are tech enthusiasts. They follow him to get the latest scoop of information about what’s happening in the technology space – specifically revolving around Apple’s iOS ecosystem. Several years ago, Rishabh even developed an alternative for the world-famous Cydia store called iDebStore, which allowed users to download iOS packages through a centralized repository over their iOS device web-browser.
When asked about jailbreaking, Rishabh said, “Jailbreaking opens a world of customization for the end-user – enabling a user to add new functionalities as well as change the appearance of their device’s user interface. I initially got involved because I wanted to explore and tweak my own iOS device. Over the years though, several features and functionality that were made popular through jailbreaking have been implemented by Apple themselves into iOS. This has resulted in a lot fewer users willing to go through the hassle of jailbreaking their device.”
Rishabh, although not currently active in the jailbreak community, still has his roots in the technology space. He currently works as a tech analyst in one of the Big 4 tech firms. It’s inspiring how he has managed to achieve so much at such a young age.
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