Jaylen Feliciano & Creating Generational Wealth Push For Financial Literacy

Jaylen Feliciano is a man who has many different commitments. As an active member of the United States Marine Corps, Feliciano is constantly practicing an immense level of focus and drive. His story of overcoming tough obstacles like losing his father at six years old and his passion for helping others has inspired everyone he’s come across.

“Honestly, the process that I went through to find what I wanted to do was putting myself in uncomfortable positions. Having myself grow by communicating and talking to individuals who are in a better position than me and figuring out how I can get in their position. It wasn’t easy having to adopt the mindset of understanding that it has to work or it has to work.” Jaylen put it. 

Jaylen Feliciano heads a clothing brand and growing community called Creating Generational Wealth. He wants the movement to bring awareness and the goal of everyone should not be to think about just themselves but the ones that come after.

He went on to say, “How will your last name be remembered? What legacy will you leave behind?” said Feliciano. “What will your kids inherit because of you? What example are you leaving for your kids to subconsciously pick up on whenever you may leave this earth?” said Feliciano.

These are all the questions the he wants you to ask yourself everyday.

Feliciano’s motivation to build generational wealth has become an undying, ever growing passion. Aside from serving as a Marine, Feliciano wants to use his clothing platform to become an outreach center to show others how they can become financially stable and reach their goals. He wants to set an example of being someone who’s beaten the odds and continue to inspire those around him to start thinking about their future. 

To find out more about Jaylen Feliciano and his brands, be sure to keep up with him on his personal Instagram @jaylenfeliciano and Creating Generational Wealth’s Instagram @wecrategenerationalwealth

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