John Bonavia’s Plan to Bring Entrepreneurs Together

water, sea, light

John Bonavia is an all-around businessman who knows how important making connections is to success. His own successful connections have been fueled by a love for social interaction. That love started when Bonavia was in his twenties, going out to clubs and bars and meeting new people.

As he’s gotten older, Bonavia has realized that those more casual social settings are more difficult to consistently be at, mainly due to work. That’s brought him to his latest business idea: fusing work and nightlife together through The Gateway Advantage, a new social club for entrepreneurs and career-minded people. 

“It seems that significant social interaction slips away as we get older, leaving a hole in me and in many of us that feels lonely,” Bonavia says. “I want to fill that hole with The Gateway Advantage, while also giving people an opportunity to connect for business opportunities.”

Bonavia is an entrepreneur and enjoys having many irons in the fire. He dabbles in real estate, volunteers helping troubled youth, and enjoys playing the stock market, but most of all, he likes taking on new ventures and getting a team excited and involved. 

“That’s what I love to see, he explains. “Collaboration to me will always have a greater chance at breeding success than trying something individually.”

In addition to his business pursuits, Bonavia is looking to mentor people who have experienced struggle or had problems with addiction. His ultimate goal is to give TEDx talks on overcoming addiction and facing your past to truly find joy through making amends. 

“To me success is an ongoing process that you obtain through experiences that make you stronger,” Bonavia explains. “You’ve got to use your past to courageously continue on a path that you would only have obtained through your personal life’s lessons.”

Bonavia used to think success was determined by the material things a man acquires. Through his own struggles, he lost his material things and began to develop a desire to love and help others.  Quickly, he realized his integrity grew with the respect he gained for himself by not thinking selfishly. 

“There are many things I want to do in life, but I no longer only ask myself “what’s in it for me?”,” Bonavia says. “Now it’s more “how can I help others?”.

Bonavia wants to be a man who shows he has taken all of his life lessons and learned from them. Many people have struggles in life, but for Bonavia, letting others know how to overcome them has kept him humble. Showing them with love and compassion is his only way to express how thankful he is for the challenges in life and getting the chance to now use them all for good.

The Gateway Advantage will incorporate all of Bonavia’s passions with a social spin. He’s learned over the years from interacting with other entrepreneurs that it is extremely important to set goals and have plans for the future of your businesses. The business is still in its early stages due to delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, but that hasn’t stopped Bonavia from having a solid vision for the future. 

One day, he hopes that The Gateway Advantage will branch out and become a network that business moguls and entrepreneurs look to for important connections.

Bonavia knows how impactful the right relationship can be, both in life and in business, and he wants to help others see the same things. If that happens, he believes the business can one day be a prominent component of multiple industries. 

For more information on John Bonavia’s plans to bring entrepreneurs and career-minded people together through a social club, visit

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